Magnus Hirschfeld and the Zionist goal of turning young boys into cheap prostitutes..

1 year ago

Magnus Hirschfeld: Godfather of gender confusion and architect of modern degeneracy.. Arthur Kwon Lee reveals the chilling story of Hirschfeld the man who first used the term 'transgender' and championed homosexuality.. His Institute for Sexual Science, founded in 1919, aimed to spread pornography and homosexual propaganda films in Germany, while also performing brutal sex change operations.. Hirschfeld joined forces with prominent rabbis in 1921 to establish the World League of Sexual Reform, which sought to brainwash German youth through a masturbatory curriculum with the goal of turning young boys into cheap prostitutes. However, in 1933, the National Socialists took power in Germany, and on May 6th, a hundred students stormed the Institute of Sexual Science, destroying Hirschfeld monument to degeneracies and permanently closing the building. They threw his grand library of pornography into the fire, bringing an end to the drag queen culture, sex change operations, and the pimping of starving children.. This exposé serves as a stark reminder of how history can be manipulated and used as a tool to conceal important patterns. It also highlights that the gender confusion we see today has happened before and may continue to resurface in the future.

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