NZ Teachers Court of Appeal Update with Rachael from NZTSOS

10 months ago

This interview is important for everyone in the education sector, or whose lives touch it… parents, community leaders.

Approx 1200 members joined NZTSOS, and the team learnt there were 300-4000 educators who were mandated in 2021. These were not only teachers, but employees from throughout the school system - administration, learning support, special needs support etc.

NZTSOS was also a safe place for educators who took the Covid injection and suffered adverse events.

" of the biggest things from this is we have lost so many good teachers who have said after being treated this way they won't come back."

"We've also still got schools who won't take staff back if they are unvaccinated ...There is still segregation, it seems to be anything under COVID is counted as you could do whatever you wanted to anybody."

"And the kids that we have, God bless them, they're beautiful kids and they have lost so much... they've lost a lot of stability, a lot of their routines."
- Rachael Mortimer

Find NZTSOS and TPANZ (Teachers Professional Association NZ):
- NZTSOS links:
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