National Citizens Inquiry | Ottawa Day 2

11 months ago

National Citizens Inquiry | National Citizens Inquiry | Ottawa Day 2 Hearing
Shawn Buckley 33:43 – 1:09:55
Lawyer – Opening Remarks

James Corbett 1:09:56 – 2:25:20
Expert Witness – Investigative Reporter
An excellent and in depth look at the WHO
and the planning and organization currently
underway regarding a global pandemic
treaty binding all signing countries under
the control of the WHO whenever they
deem a ‘global health crisis’ as well as
amending the existing WHO regulations and
One Health Initiative which also transfers
power from individual countries to the

Rodney Palmer 2:25:35 – 3:14:10
Expert Witness – former international
An excellent presentation on the funding of
the CBC by government and how they have
manipulated their news coverage on covid
matters by using their chosen ‘experts’ who,
themselves, are funded by government
grants. He calls for a sweeping change to
the entire organization in order to bring it
back to its roots of real journalism again.

Marianne Klowak 3:27:54 – 4:56:32
Expert Witness – former CBC reporter
As a journalist with over 30 years
experience working for CBC, she provides an
incredible insight into the degradation of
journalistic standards fostered within CBC
after the covid pandemic was announced.

Samantha Monaghan 4:57:12 – 5:07:58
Lay Witness
She took her son to the hospital where it
was determined he needed a blood
transfusion. The hospital denied her the use
of her blood for the transfusion and he
received donor blood. Shortly afterwards,
he died. She strongly suspects that tainted,
vaccinated blood was the primary cause of
his death.

Dr. David Speicher 6:00:17 – 6:44:31
Expert Witness – Virologist
Presents an analysis of the PCR testing
procedure and how it was misused as a
diagnostic tool for covid disease.

Jean-Philippe Chabot 6:44:50 – 7:28:10
Lay Witness – former CBC employee
He lost his job as he wouldn’t disclose his
vaccine status. He was working remotely
and felt that he was within his rights to keep
his medical information private. He
discusses what he experienced in trying to
get help from his union and his interactions
with CBC.

Dr. Edward Leyton 7:29:40 – 8:27:55
Expert Witness – Physician/Psychotherapist
He discusses the power that the College of
Physicians and Surgeons have had over
physicians for many decades. He speaks of
prescribing Ivermectin for covid prevention,
treatment of illness and vaccine injury with
much success and the persecution of
doctors using this therapy.

Dr. Keren Epstein-Gilboa 8:38:27 –
Expert Witness – Developmental Psychology
This presentation focuses on the social and
emotional stages, particularly in children,
that are necessary for development and
how the covid measures adversely affected

David Freiheit 9:29:17 - 10:18:10
Expert Witness – Lawyer/Producer of ‘Viva
Frei’ podcast
Discusses the role of legacy media in
portraying the Truckers Convoy and his
experiences at that same event in Ottawa.

Anita Krishna 10:18:40 – 10:47:30
Expert Witness – Former Global TV Director
Discusses the events leading up to her
termination as Control Room Director from
Global News.

William Bigger 10:47:55 – 10:56:12
Lay Witness
As a young man diagnosed with autism, he
discusses the impacts of covid measures on
him and his family.

Capt. Scott Routly 10:56:35 – 11:21:55
Lay Witness – Chief Pilot
With responsibilities to both the pilots
under his command and Transport Canada,
he discusses the concerns he had about the
vaccine mandates. He brought his concerns
and information to management and
Transport Canada to no avail. He was
ultimately terminate due to his refusal to
get vaccinated.

Laurier Mantil 11:22:53 – 11:31:50
Lay Witness
As a letter carrier and newly pregnant, she
speaks of her choice to remain
unvaccinated due to her concerns about
safety for the unborn baby and what work
conditions were like for her.

Maurice Gatien 11:33:08 – 12:39:00
Expert Witness – Lawyer
He discusses the repercussions he suffered
due to defending people on covid mandates
and the vaccine injured. He then goes on to
speak on the manipulation of facts and
media participation that he called ‘The Big

Ches Crosby 12:39:20 – 12:39:38
Commission Administrator – Closing
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