How China Stole the 2020 Election for Biden Through Dominion, Clip from "Who's Stealing America"

1 year ago

- Gaslight "fact check" was that UBS New York which owns Dominion Election Systems, was getting confused by conspiracy theorists with UBS Beijing, a different company. Dominion runs elections in America. Whoever has all the backdoor code to the vote tabulating machines chooses the winner of an election.

- But UBS NY and UBS Beijing are owned by the same Swiss World Economic Forum types, UBS Group.

- UBS New York, the owner of Dominion, has three Chinese Communist Party loyalists on its board of directors who also are, or have been, on the board of UBS Beijing. They also have links to the People's Liberation Army.

- Fox News got sued for saying these things and chickened out and settled. But Epoch Times which made this documentary has NEVER BEEN SUED.

- Biden HAD to win. Or there would have been no vaccine mandates to poison America from within, starting with its military.

Full documentary:

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