Mary Amy & Astraya Priestess, Creator of Sistars Of Light

11 months ago

Astraya is the creator of Sistars Of Light; a divine feminine international sisterhood community, devoted to reuniting all sacred wombyn to their mission, medicine, and magic, for becoming who she came here to be. Astraya offers and facilitates revolutionary online priestess group programs, 1-1 creatrix mentorships and feminine transformational in-person retreats and trainings throughout the world. She is committed to priestessing a new paradigm, that by essence is liberating the return of the Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness. Over the last decade she has helped hundreds of wombyn reconnect to their cosmic womb power, unlock deep ancestral trauma, and channel their creative sexual fire for birthing their big hearted visions and soulful expression into the world. It is of her knowing that outdated patriarchal systems will continue to die, and wombyn will be called into leadership by the forces of nature to co-create a rested and rich paradigm, birthed from fertility and overflow versus dried malnourishment. She is devoted to getting her embodied priestess teachings into the hands of wombyn who know sacred inner union is destined for them, where the laws of fertile femininity is the foundation she wishes to build her dreams within, and heaven on earth is the temple of her sensual awakened body, and by the powers of her womb, is where she gets to creatrix a rich, limitless, abundant life.
Facebook: @sistarsoflight
Instagram: @sistarsoflight

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