"If someone were hacking these machines, you could steal millions of votes." Rep Jerry Nadler- 2004

1 year ago

"If someone were deliberately hacking these machines, you could steal millions of votes, and no one would know it..." Rep Jerry Nadler (D-NY) 2004

"We've documented a machine in this county that recorded 11,000 extra votes for Bush. In that county, there was counting Kerry votes for Bush." "These machines are hackable."

"A dishonest employee of the vendor, or a dishonest employee of a local board of elections, or simply someone who knows electronics and has a computer at home, could hack into these machines and put in secret instructions to disregard every 20th Democratic vote."

"Or add 10% to the Kerry or Bush vote or whatever, and you might not even know it." "There was one county where on some local race or some referendum, they lost 4500 votes, the machine hiccuped, and 4500 people didn't have the votes counted."

"We have all these professors and these computer experts telling us that the encryption algorithms aren't sufficient." "That the protections aren't sufficient." "They are proprietary data, so they're kept secret, so we don't really know."

Full clip and Thread of prominent Democrats, computer scientists, and election security experts warning that America's election system is online, easily hackable, and often running on out-of-date, insecure Windows software:


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