Who Does Jesus Say That He Is - 02/18/2024 | The Godhead Series | (Sermon Only)

11 months ago

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Pastor Annette Gardner

Who Does Jesus Say That He Is?
(The 7 I AM Statements of Jesus)
(John 21.25) (Exodus 3.14)

1. I AM The Bread of Life - (John 6.35) (Matthew 5.6) (Ecclesiastes 3.11)

2. I AM The Light of The World - (John 8.12)

3. I AM The Gate - (John 10.7) (Numbers 27.16-17) (Deuteronomy 18.6)

4. I AM The Good Shepherd - (John 10.11-15) (Amos 3.12) (Exodus 22.13)

5. I AM The Resurrection & The Life - (John 11.25)

6. I AM The Way, The Truth, & The Life - (John 14.6) (Deuteronomy 5.22-23) (Isaiah 30.21) (Proverbs 6.23) (John 1.1-4)

7. I AM The Vine - (John 15.1)

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