Pax in Bello Marvel's Spider Man - The Ending - 4K Gameplay

1 year ago

Pax in Bello Marvel's Spider Man - The Ending - 4K Gameplay
The Last Mission in THE story
Mary Jane informs via phone call that May Parker’s condition is worsening because of being infected by Devil's Breath. Even worse, Yuriko Watanabe and most of the police officers are infected by Devil's Breath, Yuri staying with her mother, who is also infected.

Once in the lab, Peter creates a suit designed specifically to defeat Doctor Octopus: the Anti-Ock Suit. After suiting up, an incoming news alert lets him know where Octopus has kidnapped Norman and climbed into the tower. There, Doctor Octopus climbs up the Oscorp's tower, attempting to force the Mayor into admitting his failings. When Norman refuses, Octopus drops him. Spider-Man manages to catch Norman in time, allowing him to flee before approaching Octopus on the roof. He makes one last-ditch effort to dissuade Otto but he fails, leading them to fight.

After Peter rips out Otto's neural interface, Otto reveals that he knew Spider-Man was Peter all along. The two fight, and the tower is ripped free from the roof to send them both tumbling over at the edge. The two fight on the side of the tower. When Octopus stabs him with an arm, Spider-Man pulls the arm in closer, taking advantage of the moment to rip the interface free again.

Otto falls, and Spider-Man follows to retrieve the antiserum. They crash into the side of the tower and into a room, where Otto is unable to move. Otto first accuses Peter of betrayal, but Peter responds that Otto's willpower and conscience made him the hero that he wanted to be. Though Otto then attempts to convince Spider-Man that his actions were all the result of the interface, Spider-Man takes the antiserum and turns away, letting the authorities take him in.

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