Doctrine of Laying on of Hands - 10/08/2023 | Foundational Truths Series |

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Pastor Jacob Gardner -

Sermon Notes & Bible Verses:
The Doctrine of Laying On of Hands (Hebrews 6.1-2)
I - Laying Hands In The Old Testament
1. Blessing (Genesis 48.14-16)
2. Transfer of Authority (Numbers 8.9-10) (Numbers 27.22-23) (Deuteronomy 34.9)
3. Atonement of Sin (Leviticus 1.1-4) (Leviticus 4.13-15) (Leviticus 16.20-22)
(Isaiah 53.1-8)
II - Laying Hands In The New Testament
1. Healing (Mark 16.15-18) (Luke 4.40) (Matthew 8.1-3) (James 5.14-15)
2. Ordaining For Service (Acts 6.6) (Acts 13.2-3)
3. Baptism of Holy Spirit & Gifts of Holy Spirit (Acts 8.17) (1 Timothy 4.14) (2 Timothy 1.6)
4. Blessing (Mark 10.16) (Numbers 6.22-27)
5. Deliverance (Luke 13.11-13)
III - What Does This Mean For Us?
1. Believe (John 14.12)
2. Obedience (Psalm 119.32) (Psalm 119.60) (Luke 11.28)
3. Protect Yourself (1 Timothy 5.22)

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