SoulCast - Acknowledge, Balance and Integrate All Aspects of Who You Are

7 months ago

Hello Soul Family,

This week we discuss living in duality and allowing ourselves to embrace both aspects to bless and balance our lives. You are here on Earth for your soul development. You carry both aspects of divinity within you, divine masculine and divine feminine that help you find balance, which helps us connect with our higher self and divinity. We live in an electromagnetic, holographic, fractalized reality. Layers upon layers, frequencies upon frequencies.

How you think, feel and believe are created from within and is reflected back to you as your experiences. As you connect with yourself, your soul and the creator you create your life. Meditation is a great way to make these connections and to get to know yourself better and while as the same time, aligning yourself with God’s highest path and purpose for your life.

As you look around, you notice that most people are stuck in a repeating pattern of wake, work, and repeat. Going within is your pathway into freeing yourself from the programs inflicted upon you by society.

Using affirmations for the Seven Gifts You Give Yourself is a great way to break free from these limiting patterns. This will result in creating new neuro pathways, and healthier neuro chemical responses.

Sample Affirmations:
• I allow myself to love myself.
• I respect and lovingly care for myself.
• I trust and act on my inspired thoughts.
• I appreciate my body, mind, and soul.
• I allow divine abundance and prosperity to enter my life.
• I allow myself to receive all the goodness and blessings the Universe wants to give me.

If you would like some personal one-on-one assistance, please reach out to me at so we can schedule an appointment for Soul Coaching, Intuitive Counseling or Energy Healing and Clearing.

Also, if you are interested in Getting Healthy, Helping Others and Financially Thriving please email me at and put Healthy and Strong in the subject line. We can then schedule an appointment where I can show you what I’m doing and see if this Opportunity is a good fit for you.

You can find me at:
• Website:
• Natural Remedies
• Questions:
• Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and Truth Social @Soululaire
• Love and Gratitude Jar:

Allow yourself to balance and benefit from all that you are.

Much Love and Blessings,

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