My EDC Everyday Concealed Carry 2022 Pocket Dump

11 months ago

My 2022 everyday carry gear, EDC pocket dump. Tim Kell from T.Kell Knives dumps everywhere...What you EDC is vital. Who sees your gear is vital. Don't be a target. Make informed decisions about what you need with you everyday. I like concealed carry. I like things I depend on if others lives or my life is on the line, so no folding knives here folks. I carry items that reduce failure rates. I know you like your folding blades but factually unfolding a knife takes time and if it's not locked fully open it just as dangerous to you as anyone else, if it moves too much it takes time to deploy. Contrary to that point I don't carry chambered for several reasons, the most of which is I have a small child and run a SIG 365xl without an external safety. I is a sacrifice of time that I'm willing to make in my pistol deployment to mitigate potential accidents.

EDC Tool-
T.Kell Defender-
T.Kell Knives Striker-
EDC pouch-
#knives #edc #pocketdump

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