Prophet Julie Green - The Washington Establishment is Losing Its Power Over This Nation - Captions

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7 months ago

In a powerful declaration, The Lord proclaims that His will shall prevail, urging His children to rejoice in His presence and the various aspects of His divine nature, including Elohim, El Shaddai, and Emmanuel. God reassures His followers of His omnipotence and the role of a caring father, promising that they will witness His life-giving power, salvation, healing, and deliverance. He emphasizes His commitment to fulfilling His word and encourages celebration despite the darkness or challenging circumstances, assuring them that by looking to Him, they will see victory, restoration, health, and the retreat of their enemies.

God underscores the importance of relying solely on Him during a time when self-dependence and human understanding will fall short. He warns of the proliferation of disinformation and the deceptive portrayal of good as evil and vice versa. The Lord calls His children to be guided by His words, light, and love, and not to be swayed by fear or deception. He reminds them that in the face of impossibility, His light shines brightest, and He, as El Shaddai, will manifest His might in situations that seem insurmountable to mankind.

Finally, The Lord speaks of a time when secrets long buried will come to light, particularly in the nation's capital, Washington D.C. He foretells the downfall of corrupt powers that have maintained their influence through silence, bribes, blackmail, and wealth. God declares that their financial and power sources will crumble, leading to their undoing. He also hints at a significant revelation from Russia that will catch the world off guard, and a surprising alignment of governments. Additionally, God reveals that individuals who have entered the nation through its borders, with connections to the government, will be exposed, uncovering a trail of blood money and taxpayer-funded chaos. The Lord concludes with a message of endurance, calling for continued prayer, fight, and standing firm, with the promise of healing for the land.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:


1. Matt. 24:24 (if possible, even the elect will be deceived)
2. Gen. 1:1
3. Gen. 17:1-7
4. Num. 11:23 (KJV, MSG, AMPC) (Has my hand waxed short)
5. Hosea 4:6 (destroyed for a lack of knowledge)
6. 2 Chron. 20:23 (God set ambushes against the enemies)
7. Jer. 1:12; Heb. 10:23 (Faithful to perform His Word)
8. Rom. 12:2 (Renew your mind with the Word)
9. Rom. 10:17 (Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word)
10. Isa. 5:20 (Good portrayed as evil and evil as good)
11. Luke 18:27 (What is impossible with man is possible with God)
12. Luke 8:17 (Everything hidden will come into the light)
13. Acts 12:1-19 (Peter’s Miraculous Escape From Prison)
14. Acts 16:16-40 (Paul and Silas in Prison)

Whose report do you believe? Is God your final authority?

Rejoice because you have:
1. Elohim – the Creator
2. El Shaddai – God with Whom nothing is impossible
3. Immanuel – God with you
4. The Great I AM
5. Jehovah Jireh – God, your Provider
6. Jehovah Rapha – God, your Health and Healing/Healer

Stay, pray, fight, and stand. Don’t back off. Don’t quit. God will heal your land.

God is super upon the natural! God is not bound by the laws of nature.

Natural circumstances or impossible situations won’t keep you from a covenant-keeping God. God keeps His covenant and His promises.

God is uniting the Body of Christ. God is the Uniter!

Earnestly remember what God has done, and take it seriously to depend on Him.

Prophecies referenced during today’s broadcast:

Full Video Transcript:

Good morning, everybody. Today is Wednesday, February 14th, 2024. Happy Valentine's Day. And I just want to again, apologize to you yesterday for what happened. We were experiencing a lot of technical difficulties and that's the reason why we were not live. At 6 30, central time is because of computer issues So but we're back on well technically rumble issues at the time, but we're back on everything is great And I Am so excited for each and every one of you to be a part of today's show now before I get To the prophecy that i'm going to share with you this morning.

I want to give you guys some encouragement Okay, there has been many prophecies that are being fulfilled right in front of our eyes right now And yes god wins. I see it all over the chat And so again, thank you all for doing that and spreading the word of almighty god that he does win So I want to give you guys some catch up of some of the things that are going on right now That the lord has already talked about now We will be sharing out some videos once they are completed of these prophecies fulfilled so give us time to get those out there But I want to read something to you.

This is from a prophecy now I'm going to read you prophecy fulfilled. All right. Now, this is from august 10th of 2023 This is the word I heard on august 10th, but it was actually published on the 15th of august Of last year and it's called a great dismantling of their power in this country has begun now Right here in this part of it.

It says the word impeach impeach Okay. Now you're hearing the word impeach twice It says they are shouting in D. C. Well, we know there is impeachment inquiry to the Biden. Alright, there's been impeachments, they've been talking about impeachments for quite some time into the Biden. But in the same sentence.

Impeach Impeach, they are shouting in DC. Soon, they will be shouting the 25th amendment to remove the Biden. Well, all over last week, it blew up all over social media. Because of what happened with that report that came out I think it's the Hearn report that came out with the Biden and how his cognitive ability and functionality, that way he will not be able to be holed up in court, and that way they did not press any charges against him regarding all the classified documents.

Now I want to show you something that is really, really extremely, extremely criminal in this country that people do not know if you're not from here. You have classified documents with what Biden did. That is criminal acts and espionage because he was Senator and he was a vice president at the time, a Senator and a vice president can not have classified documents.

The end. They can't. He did it for, I don't know how many, those first ones back in 1980s or whatever it was, I don't know, I didn't follow all the information on following this part of the Prophecy Fulfilled. Now again, and then you have them saying it's the same thing as Trump. No, because Trump was a president and he can declassify documents as a sitting president.

At the time, Biden was not a sitting president. So that was under the Espionage Act. He should have been sentenced. He should have been arrested for what he did, but they're saying he couldn't be arrested for what he did because of his cognitive ability and function. He could, he could not even say when he was vice president, when he was Senator, and of course, when his son had passed away.

So now all of a sudden, after that report came out, You are hearing people talk and discuss about the 25th amendment. There was many, many prophecies about the impeachment that they were going to try to impeach him. And there are many prophecies about the 25th amendment. Now you're starting to see that come to pass.

Okay. Now this is just one. All right. I don't have, I'm not going to go over all of them right now. There's this one. You can look up in our website. On, you can look under prophecies and you can just click in 25th and there'll be all the prophecies underneath of it about the 25th amendment. So I want to also give you another thing that God wins.

So you're starting to see the cognitive decline and function with, with the Biden. Now, again, I'm not like rejoicing over that fact. Okay. It's not. Something you want to rejoice over. But what I'm rejoicing over is what God has spoken of. Okay. Back in 2022, God said that the fall of the Biden would be seen.

And one of the first signs of that is as cognitively ability and functionality would be declining so much that the news media would have to report on it. Well, that was 2022 when they were trying to hide it. Now you're starting to see more news outlets talk about. His cognitive ability and functionality.

And that's the reason why they're questioning it. And that's the reason why they're bringing up the 25th amendment. Okay. Lots and lots of prophecies being fulfilled right now. And you can find that again, under our website, God was talking about the cognitive ability and functionality, and that was going to be a huge trigger.

Now, Mayorkas. That was another one. God said there were going to be removals and impeachments. Well, guess what? Mayorkas was just, he's the, you know, the, whoever's in charge of border security, and he was just impeached last night by the House of Representatives. So again, lots of things happening right now.

Then of course what's going on with Charles over in England? That whole thing with cancer what's going on god is going to reveal more about that situation because he's been talking about things are being hidden with the royal family The georgia case against trump is falling apart. What do we talk about?

The lord has talked about all the indictments against president trump. We're going to start falling apart. That was back last year You can see them starting to fall apart. Now that person, Fannie Willis, who was actually in charge of this prosecution against president Trump. Now, all of a sudden she's in trouble.

God said, these are the days of Haman. So again, God's revealing all these things. He said what's happening last year and now it's starting to happen this year. The case with Jack Smith is starting to fall apart again. God said all the indictments would the news media is turning on Biden. And so with the American people, 86%, 86 percent of the American people

agree that Biden has cognitive functionality problems and he should not run for reelection. 86%. That is huge. 86%. I don't know if the American people can agree on anything at 86 percent in this country. Okay. But that. Is a massive statement from the American people. 86 percent believe he's too old and should not run for election.

Another big, huge bombshell that came out, I'm pretty sure it was yesterday was the CIA being exposed for spying on Trump and spying on 26 other people in his cabinet, and that is huge because what they were doing with Russia. And that russia collusion more of course is coming out regarding that so again I'm excited the reason why i'm reading some of these out to you Is because prophecies are being fulfilled all the time.

God is winning what he's been saying because he gives us the news before the news is happening right before our eyes. And we're going to start seeing more and more happen right before our eyes as well. Again, all this, I'm saying you can find on our website under prophecies. All right. Now the Biden crime family continues to be exposed.

There was a huge thing yesterday. Because there was another prophecy being fulfilled with that because guy was talking about not only the exposure of all the money trails, but he also talked about I can't think of his name right now. Hold on. Who was, I'm keep on saying on Gino and it's not, who is the guy now?

I know in the chat, you guys are going to Bob Alinsky. There we go. Thank you. Our Bob Alinsky. God talked about Bob Linskey was going to be in the news again, more and more for significant reason. That was last year. He was just at the house yesterday, exposing all these things regarding the Biden crime family.

So again, God said it before it was happening. The border crisis, more people are turning on the Biden and more people are turning on the democratic party in general, you see people rising up. In chicago, you see people rising up in new york city. You're seeing people rise up. Of course. God bless texas God bless you.

I love that state. For a reason. I love that state because I've always loved Texas, but I love it even more now that they're sticking up for our own border. And I did see in somebody in the comment section this morning, thank you for showing that to me. I had no idea what they were passing last night in the Senate, 96 billion more to Ukraine for their security of their border.

Okay. 96 million or billion dollars to Ukraine for their border, but they won't protect our border. Now again, does that make any sense at all? No. And that's why the American people are revolting and they're they're getting extremely upset and they are turning on those people and there's a great awakening happening right now.

A great awakening is happening right now in this country. Don't worry about what they're passing start praying against it because god is the one who's in control and he can turn all of These things around so I want to give you some encouragement today Regarding some of these things that are happening and god proving to us With all these prophecies and with what God has been giving us, this news before the news, this is happening.

There's still so many Christians that say it's not. And so I want to encourage you. This has nothing to do with me. This has everything to do with God and what He is saying. And so there are, I have a lot of prophecies. I was dictating this morning that I'm gonna give out for next week. I will be gone next week for part of it.

I will be here Monday and Tuesday, but I, myself and the team have to go into prayer. So that's what we'll be doing, but I Am just going to start pre recording here for you. So you have these really powerful prophetic words, and I'm going to give even maybe a couple of them out today, during my time with President, or with Pastor Dave, excuse me, Pastor Dave regarding President Trump.

So if you guys want to turn, tune in, I will be on with his Glory Take 5 today. And there's going to be a lot that is going to be revealed. I have a feeling. So hopefully you can be a part of that live show with pastor Dave and myself today. We have to start praying for president Trump. There are things that God's revealing it to a prophetic word that he is giving me about the plans of the enemy and what they are trying to do to sabotage.

His presidency because they see that he's winning. So they already have things in place to sabotage him in that presidency. But of course, what does God do? He gives us the plans of the enemy so we can do something about it. All right, well, I hope that encourage each and every one of you this morning.

God wins, the enemy loses, and God is exposing all of them. So now I'm going to give out, as of right now, I think, the prophecy that was going to give out yesterday, but of course, technical difficulties stopped me from doing that. And it's called the Washington establishment is losing its power over this nation.

Again, the Washington establishment. And losing its power over this nation. I heard this prophetic word on February 7th of 2024, February 7th, 2024. And this was during a prayer call, so I'm going to share my screen with you and then I'm going to come back and give you some of the scriptures and some revelation that God was giving to me shortly before I got on this broadcast.

Of again, more encouragement of what to expect God to do during these times that we are living in. So I'm going to share my screen with you and then I will be right back.

For I the Lord, this day, I Am telling you, my children, that I will have my way. I will have my way this day and I will have my way every day. So my children start to rejoice, start to rejoice. Because you have Elohim, start to rejoice because you have El Shaddai, start to rejoice that you have Emmanuel, start to rejoice.

Do you have me? Who is the great? I Am. I Am the most high God and I Am your father. And not only is my Children going to know that I still live now, I know that I still save. No, I know that I still heal. They will know Without a shadow of a doubt that I still deliver. I have reminded you over and over that I Am the deliverer.

I have spoken in my words. I hear your cries and I will deliver you. There's no question mark behind those words. Those are my words and I'm faithful to perform my words.

So start to shout and start to celebrate no matter the darkness and no matter how the circumstances. In your life or this world, you look to me and I will show you what to see. You hear those words. Look to me. I will show you what to see. I will show you and you will see your victory. You will see restoration.

You will see your health. You will see recovery. You will see. Your enemies flee.

You will see great restoration. I Am the restorer. You will see a uniting because I'm the uniter. I've had to speak these words on more than one occasion. I have told you to take. Earnestly, what I have said to you, take it seriously to depend on me.

You are coming into a time where you will not be able to depend on yourself.

You will not be able to rely on your own understanding

and you won't want to trust anybody but Me.

Disinformation is growing and it's spreading like wildfire. Good is portrayed as evil and evil is good.

So many people are being led by deception, fear. But that should not be a child of the Most High God. A child of the Most High God is not ran and not controlled and manipulated. By fear or deception, you should be led by my words, by my light, by my love,

in darkness, when things are going to look more impossible. That's when my light shines brighter. That's when I will show the world that I Am the God who nothing is impossible. I Am El Shaddai. That's who I Am.

I show up in impossible situations every day. It may be impossible for man, but it's not impossible for me.

You are also coming into a time

where the dead will tell a story.

You may be asking, Lord, what does that mean?

There have been many people who have been killed

for secrets to stay secret. For evidence to stay hidden those secrets, and those bodies, and those people.

Secrets will not, no longer stay hidden from the world.

An evil web they have weaved in your nation's capital.

They brought in slavery, they brought in bondage, they brought in corruption, and they brought in an evil that you didn't know existed, and they've kept it by silencing. They've kept it by bribes. They've kept it by blackmail. They've kept it with their power and their money. But what happens when they have no money?

What happens when they lose their source of power? Corruption fails and corruption falls.

That's what you're going to see in D. C.

That's what you're going to see in D. C. They will lose their money. Not your money. They will lose theirs. And then as soon as you see it, you will understand what these words mean.

They will not prevail. And they will not move forward. Instead, I Am bringing them down. In unconventional. Unprecedented. And in unusual ways. I'm a supernatural God.

I can shake. Supernaturally. A prison cell. For captors. For captives to be released. The captors come. Into my kingdom.

Many captors are going to see my light.

There are people that are going to run to me and not from me in D. C. They will realize

who's going to win, but they will also realize the truth, and that sets some of them free. You will see the hearts of many hardened. You will see the hearts of some softened.

I've told you before to watch Russia. Something explosive is coming.

Something explosive is coming that the world cannot deny. Something that you have not seen coming, my children. Something this nation did not see coming. And it's more than an interview.

This is the time of information, exposure, and proof like never before.

Something big will come out of the Kremlin.

Something. No one expected. I told you before, you'll be surprised on which side they're on. I said, you'll be surprised on which side they're on. Many governments, you will be surprised on which side they've actually been on.

What's going on with your border and the people that have been released into this nation? Remember, I know where exactly everyone is. And what all nations they have come from and why they're here. And I have let my people in on it. There are certain people that have come in through your border that are about to be exposed that are in connection with your government.

There will be a money trail that will reveal your government and their dirty deals. Their money trail; blood money

I will show you how your taxpayer dollars helped to get them here to cause chaos and disruption. Well, the chaos and disruption will not happen to my nation, but the ones who are against it.

I told you to hold on because it's going to be a wild ride.

But again, I will say 2024 is the year you have been waiting for. So get with me and you will see all that I want you to see great revelation that I will reveal to each and every one of you. So stay the course, stay and pray, stay and pray, stay and fight, stay and stand, and I will heal your land. Sayeth the Lord.

One of the things that I love when he said at the very end is that we will stay and stand and he will heal our land. So this is the key of what we have to be doing right now is to stay and to stand and not back off and not quit. God has been giving us all these different prophetic words. He's been giving us revelations from heaven.

He's been giving us these scriptures on a daily basis. He's been giving us teachings on a daily basis so we know how to pray. So we know how to stand, so we don't give up, so we don't quit, so we're not moved. A lot of the things, I think he said earlier in this one, is he said the disinformation, it's coming, even greater now.

Because God said in his word, even the elect will be deceived. But that's the reason why he's giving us these things so we're not deceived. But some people in the body of Christ will be because they refuse. To listen, they refuse to wake up. They refuse to obey what God is saying. We have a choice to make on a daily basis.

Are we going to believe God, or are we going to believe our circumstances? Are we going to believe God, or are we going to believe what our governments are saying? Or are we going to believe God, or are we going to believe what the, you know, what everything in our life is telling us is going wrong, and it's going to stay that way, it's never ending, it's just going to get worse.

Are we going to make God our final Authority. And in the beginning of this prophetic word, he did talk about his, some of his names again. He said, start to rejoice because you have Elohim. Start to rejoice because you have El Shaddai. Start to rejoice that you have Emmanuel. So Elohim, you will find the first represent representation of Elohim, excuse me, is in the book of Genesis because Genesis talks about the creation.

And it describes the creation of this earth. Well, Elohim Is the creator he created this earth and then he talks about El Shaddai You can find El Shaddai The first time you find ever him saying El Shaddai or he's revealing himself as El Shaddai To anyone and that's to Abraham if you turn to Genesis 17 This is the first time he reveals himself to someone as El Shaddai We have to get to know El Shaddai.

And the reason why I'm telling you don't just know God is God, because if you just know God is God, it's just to me, it's like, okay, it's God, but what's the true meaning who really is God? Yes. He's the most high God. Yes, he is the one who sits on the throne, but who really is he? He's Elohim. He's a creator.

He's also revealing to you that he's El Shaddai, the God whom nothing is impossible. And it's so important for us to get to know his names, to get to know who he truly is, to get to know and to expect what he does in impossible situations. If you are facing an impossible situation right now, Which a lot of people are.

I think probably, if you raise your hand, majority of people in this live stream is going to say, I'm facing something impossible. Satan loves the impossible. Because that's where God, most of God's people will get discouraged. They'll quit, they'll give up. But if you know El Shaddai, who's a God who nothing is impossible, then you're going to know, I'm facing an impossible situation, but it doesn't matter, God's on my side.

And He is the God who nothing is impossible. So if you look in Judges chapter 17 and verse 1, This is el shaddai when he refers to himself as almighty god Almighty god is el shaddai When abram was 99 years old the lord appeared to him and said I Am almighty god Walk and live habitually before me and be perfect blameless wholehearted and complete verse 2 It says and I will make my covenant and solemn pledge between me and you and you will multiply You will be multiplied exceedingly Verse three that Abram fell on his or Abram fell on his face and God said to him ask or ask for me Behold my covenant and solemn pledges with you and you shall be the father of many nations Remember he wasn't Abram and Sarai Before she was Sarah before Abram was Abraham.

They were not parents. She could not have a child She was barren. And so when she was old and so was he They were gonna give up and when God said you're gonna bear a son they left she laughed because she's like I'm in my 80s Or 90 years old. How am I gonna give a birth to a child? God is a God whom nothing is impossible, even though naturally it was impossible So regarding nature a woman that old could not bear a child, but with God Nature or things in the natural do not hold him Back from his plan.

It doesn't hold you back for his plan for you. And he was telling him, I don't care what the natural ability that you have and what your body is telling you. I'm telling you, you are going to bear a child. And that's why he said. I'm El Shaddai or I'm the Almighty God because what they did now when he went to Abram and Genesis 17, he didn't speak to Abraham for 13 years up until now, up until this point.

Why? Because he had Ishmael that was of the flesh that was not of God. God didn't want Abraham and Sarah to look for any other means. So this is what we do in impossible situations. We tried to help God out. God told them they were going to have a child and he was going to be a father of many nations.

And Sarah's like, well, I can't, so, but my handmaiden, Hagar, can. This is what people do. They hear a prophetic word and they try to not they try to reason it out. Or they try to naturally try to figure things out, and they try to help God. But that's not what God is asking us. When it comes to any of these prophetic words, when it comes to any of the impossible situations that we're all facing in our own life, when it comes to what's going on in our own nations, God's saying, I'm not asking you to figure this out.

He was telling, this was a rebuke. To Abram, he was correcting him. Hey, I'm El Shaddai, trust in me. And that's what God is asking us to do today. He's asking us to trust in him. Now, as you know, even though he was almost 100 years old, he was 99, as close as you can get to 100 without being 100, and you have Sarah, You have them.

And God said, you're gonna bear a child. And they did. And it was Isaac. Naturally, they couldn't have done that on their own. It was impossible. But God was showing us, in this instance, in the Bible, he kept his covenant or his promise to Abram or Abra ham. Now. Because he's the father of many nations. He says right here in verse 5, Genesis 17, verse 5, He says, Nor shall your name any longer be Abram, high exalted father, But your name shall be Abraham, father of a multitude, for I have made you the father of many nations.

Well at this time again, he wasn't a father of many nations and it looked at virtually impossible, but God was telling him, He was prophesying to him and telling him What he was going to do. Now Abraham had the choice to believe that or not to believe it. And they chose this time to believe it. And they had Isaac.

And then he says in verse 7, sorry, verse 6, And I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you. And then it says in verse 7, I will establish my covenant between me and you. Again, God is a covenant. Keeping God. Natural circumstances or impossible situations are not going to keep you from a covenant keeping God.

I'm going to say that again. Natural circumstances or impossible situations are not going to keep you From a covenant, keeping God, God keeps his covenant. God keeps his promises. Now, I want to read to you before I go back over this, all this prophetic word. Well, first off, I'll go to, okay. He mentioned Elohim.

He's a creator. He mentioned El Shaddai, whom is almighty God or the God whom nothing is impossible. He also mentioned Emmanuel. Emmanuel means God is with us. And so he specifically said the creator, the God who nothing is impossible. And then he mentioned Emmanuel, God is with us. And then he says, I'm the most high God.

Why would he mention these specifically? First of all, Elohim is a creator creation is never going to overthrow or outsmart. The Creator. Number two, you have El Shaddai. We're facing so many impossible situations in this nation, in our own lives, and God is saying, You may be facing all these impossible situations, but I'm a covenant keeping God, and these impossible situations are not Going to keep me from breaking my promise with you because God can't and God wouldn't he's a covenant keeping God Natural circumstances and impossible situations are not going to keep God from his covenant and his promises for you And then he mentions the Most High or sorry.

He mentions Emmanuel. He's with us So if we know he's with us, then why should we be afraid of anything?

If God is with us, then why would we be afraid of anything that's against us? He's turning our perception around. He wants us to see through the eyes of Christ. He wants us to see through his word. He wants us to see through him. And while he sees these things. Then he says, I'm the most high. I'm the most high God.

And I Am your father. Well, who's more high or most, most are high. There's no one. There's no such thing. God is the most high. So no matter what all these people are doing on this earth and what gods they serve, God is the most high God. And then he goes on and start talking about how he's not only the most high God.

He's our father. He's our protector and I want to read to you some encouraging scriptures before I go back over this prophetic word He gave me something this morning when I was in the center studying and I kept hearing him say Look up in the scripture. Has my hand waxed short? Has my hand waxed short?

I heard it the second time. Then I heard it again. Has my hand waxed short? And I'm like, okay, he wants me to look up numbers. It's in Numbers 11 in verse 23. Numbers 11. And verse 23, this is when God's people were caught by the red sea. They had the mountains on the side of them. Each side, they had the red sea in front of them.

And then they had the enemy that was pursuing them. So on all sides they were surrounded and there was virtually no way out. And that's what we, and God even said that in a prophetic word, it seems like you are surrounded, but what do we do and what do we expect when we're surrounded on all sides? Well, there's no way out that we can perceive.

There's no way out. Numbers 11 in verse 23 It says and the Lord said unto Moses is the Lord's hand Waxed short thou shalt see now whether my hand shall come to pass unto thee or not That's the king James version. Now I want to read to you the message translation of this scripture. He kept saying this to me this morning, and that's why I'm reading it to you now.

Numbers 11 in verse 23. This is the message translation. God answered Moses. So do you think I can't take care of you? You'll see soon enough. Whether what I say happens for you or not, many people are questioning and they're literally wondering if God's hand is whacked short, if God this time is going to deliver.

If God this time is going to intervene, if God this time is going to show justice and vindication or judgment against the enemies of almighty God. People are questioning this over and over and over again. And God is asking you he said, again, do you think I can't take care of you? He's asking all of this, this, this.

Do you think that God can't take care of us? And again, later on it says, do you think I can't take care of you? You'll see soon enough whether what I say happens for you or not. And then the Amplified, you guys know I love my Amplified, the classic version.

And the Lord said to Moses, has the Lord's hand, his ability, And power becomes short, throtted, or inadequate. You shall see now whether my word shall come to pass for you or not. Well, what happened right after this? God's hand was not inadequate. God's hand was not whacked short. And God showed his people that he could take care of them.

It's sad when God has to ask us whether we believe that he will take care of us or not. He's asking you and I this question. Do you believe that he will take care of us in this situation or not? Do you believe that El Shaddai, the Almighty God, the God who nothing is impossible, is going to show up? Do you believe that no matter what impossible situation, that he's a covenant keeping God and he is going to do something about it?

He will deliver us and I don't have time to read all those scriptures right now because I gotta go back over this prophetic work. I have so many and maybe I'll do when I'm gone because I'm gonna be gone for quite a while in this next few weeks. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to do some teachings as well.

And so God's revealing to me certain teachings that he wants me to give out to each and every one of you while I'm gone. These teachings are going to be detailed, great revelation that God is giving to each and every one of us. So we know what to expect out of El Shaddai. We know what to expect out of Emmanuel.

We know what to expect out of Jehovah Jireh. Remember God is our provider. Also Jehovah Rapha, he's our healer. So what people need to know is they need to get to know God. That's what I'm here to do on a daily basis is for you to get to know who he is. To what to expect a hand to do in the situations that you're facing in your own life.

Because how do you, if you don't know God as Elohim, as a creator, if you don't know God as thou should I, then he shows up in the impossible situations. If you don't know that he's Jehovah Jireh, your provider, you don't know that he's Jehovah Rapha, your healer. If you don't know that he's Jehovah Nissi, your victory, If you don't know these things, then you will be easily to be deceived and distracted.

And then that's when the enemy can come in and destroy you. God said in his word and Hosea four, six is people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. We have to know the knowledge of who God is because how do you trust somebody you don't know? And that's why God on a daily basis is revealing to us who he is So I'm gonna go back over this prophetic word.

So all these days I'll do with it teaching on and deliver the deliverer All right. Now this prophetic word is again. It's called the Washington establishment is losing it's power over this nation. For I, the Lord, this day, am telling you, my children, that I will have my way. I will have my way this day, and I will have my way every day.

So my children start to rejoice. Now again, why is it, why is he telling us to rejoice when everything looks like it's ridiculous, bad, impossible, hard to deal with, hard to bear? Why is he telling us to rejoice? If you look up 2 Chronicles 20 in verse 23, it talks about how when they were praising and worshiping or rejoicing, God set up ambushes against the enemies of Almighty God.

So when he's telling us to rejoice, we also should be rejoicing. Because we're getting to know Elohim. We're getting to know El Shaddai. We're getting to know Immanuel. We're getting to know the Most High God as our Father. So it says start to rejoice because you have Elohim. Again, why would we rejoice knowing of Elohim?

He's a creator. And creation, which is mankind, Cannot overthrow the creator so we should be rejoicing in the fact It doesn't matter how much these people are doing against us or against our nations or what they're trying to do against God They will never out smart out overthrow. They will never do anything against Almighty God.

That's gonna ever stick They're not going to overthrow him. Look what happened to Lucifer when he was in heaven Lucifer, which was the most beautiful archangel. He's most talented. He wanted to overthrow God. Again, Angel was a creation of the creator, which is God. He tried to overthrow God and he was kicked out.

Nothing's changed. He still keeps trying to overthrow God and it's still not going to ever work. So you're rejoicing in the fact of Elohim being so awesome and being that creator, that creation, nobody on this earth, people we see or don't see, they're not going to overthrow Elohim. Start to rejoice because you have El Shaddai.

I just gave you that. Why? Because He is in the impossible situations. If we have impossible situations, your enemy wants to discourage you and God says, Rejoice! I will show up in the impossible. It may be impossible for you, but it's not impossible for me. That's why we should be rejoicing. What else should I, I said, he says, start to rejoice that you have Manuel.

Well, if you know that the creator, you know, the God of nothing is impossible. And you know that Emmanuel he's with us. Then you know nothing's gonna stop you because the greater one's on the inside of you and the he that's in the world So I was rejoiced that you have me who is a great I Am He's a great I Am who reveals himself as the I Am that I Am And next is chapter 3 to Moses and we saw how he was with Moses Then he's asking us and numbers chapter 11 in verse 23 when he asked Moses So you think I can't take care of you?

He's telling us. Are you he's asking us. Are you thinking like Moses? Do you think after all the things that I've already shown in my word and prophetically, do you think that I Am not going to take care of you? And then he says, I'm the most high God, I'm your father. And not only are my children going to know that I still live, not only are they gonna know I still save, not only they know that I still heal, but they will know without a shadow of a doubt I still deliver.

I think And it should have been known to the people of Israel, when God delivered him out of Exodus, or with Exodus, he delivered him out of Egypt, and then he delivered him with the Red Sea, he delivered him by providing for him constantly in the wilderness, they should have known without a shadow of a doubt he was a deliverer.

But they still questioned him. That's why they didn't go into the promised land for 40 years. Well, I'm not gonna be like those ancestors of mine. He says I have reminded you over and over that I'm a deliverer. I have spoken in my words. I hear your cries and I will deliver you. Doesn't say I might. He says I will.

Again, one of these days I'll give you all those scriptures I talked about. It's him saying I will deliver you. There should be no question mark behind that. That God will Deliver us. He said there'd be so no question mark behind those words Those are my words and i'm faithful to perform my words It's scriptural god is faithful to perform his word He said so start to shout and start to celebrate no matter the darkness and no matter how the circumstances in your life or this world will look like Look to me and I will show you what to see you hear those words God's asking you do you hear those words?

I will show you what to see. Your enemy wants you to perceive darkness, doom and gloom, the end to this nation, the end of freedom, the end of, you know, anything good. Hopelessness is spare. That's what your enemy wants you to see. But God is saying, I will show you what to see. Well, what's he going to show us?

I will show you and you will see your victory. Why? Because we have victory through Jesus.

Then he says, Not only are we going to see our victory because of what Jesus did, we're going to see restoration, you will see health, you will see recovery, you will see your enemies flee, you, I'm the restorer. Now he's telling us again. What we're going to see the more we spend time in the word and more we spend time with the word of god the more We are going to what we knew our minds with the word of god in romans chapter 12 in verse 2 We renew our mind with the word of god and then it changes the way we think it changes how we perceive our situation and our circumstances Because he shows us through the eyes of christ and what he's done.

Then he says You will see a uniting because I'm the uniter now again. I was on with pastor Emanuel Johnson yesterday It was powerful. I love that show It was so fun And one of the things that he talked about was a uniting and it was a confirmation of what God's been telling us for how? Long that God is uniting not only the body of Christ, but God is uniting The United States, the enemy has tried to destroy the body of Christ by division, but all these different doctrines, denominations, it was meant to divide the body of Christ.

We're supposed to be believers. We're supposed to be believing in Jesus Christ, believing in the word of God and what God says and not what a denomination is telling you to believe. They'll tell you, you can only read this Bible. They'll tell you, you can only believe in this. They'll tell you this and that and the other thing.

But is that scriptural? Is it lining up with the word of God? That's why I tell you every day. Not only do I give you prophetic words, or revelations from heaven that God has given to me, to give to you, but I will always back it up with scripture. I don't twist the scripture. I read to you what it says, And what God is saying, not a man made doctrine out of twisting of the word of God, that's what Satan does.

He twists the word of God to be something that it's not. But again, he says, you will see a uniting because I'm the uniter. He's a uniting the body of Christ, no matter what it looks like, it looks like a hot mess. And so does this country. And that's one reason why we have, by preaching to myself, we have to go and we have to pray on behalf of this nation and behalf of the body of Christ.

That is part of our mandate. That's why you won't see me Wednesday, Thursday, Friday of next week, because, and one day of the following week, because I will be in a prayer retreat with my team praying about these very things that God is revealing to us right now, and especially what's going on with President Trump, that I will reveal to you about what the enemy is trying to do by sabotaging him before he even gets into office.

All right, then he says, I have had to say and speak these words on more than one occasion. Alright, he says I've had to speak these words on more than one occasion people think that guy that would not repeat himself Yes, he does. He has to because people always get it the first time. That's why it says in Romans 10 17 faith comes by hearing and Hearing by the Word of God this says I have told you to take earnestly What I have said to you now, again, I did a lot of revelation with that.

The word earnestly, earnestly means take him seriously. He says, earnestly, remember these words. He's been telling us this earnestly. Remember what his spoken word has said was written. Word has said, what is he doing earnestly? Remember who he is earnestly. Remember his covenant earnestly. Remember these things because the enemy is going to try to do things.

So you don't remember. And so you get into fear. Take it seriously to depend on me is what God is saying. Take it seriously to depend on him earnestly. Remember that we are supposed to depend on him and not anyone else. You're coming into a time where you will not be able to depend on yourself. You'll not be able to rely on your own understanding and you won't want to trust anybody but me.

That to me is talking about a dire situation. Again, it's nothing to fear, but we're not supposed to lean on our own understanding anyway. But people have, but this is the reason why he says you will not be able to depend on yourself.

Disinformation is growing and it's spreading like wildfire. Disinformation is growing and spreading like wildfire. Why? Disinformation, deception, brings confusion, and confusion, people will give up. They'll get discouraged. They'll become hopeless. And they'll surrender. And that's why God is saying this is happening, but rely on me.

He says, good is portrayed as evil and evil is good. We see that now we see that with what the senators just passed last night. Apparently. Thank you again, whoever put that in the comment section. They passed 96 billion thing to give Ukraine money to protect their border when they won't give money that's already been given because what President Trump did to finish our border wall and they won't allow that money to finish funding that border wall.

Good is portrayed as evil. Good is portrayed as evil and evil is good.

Again, America first when it comes to people in this country. And that's evil. We should be protecting. They, they should be protecting and wanting to protect the citizens of this nation. Wow, that's a horrible statement, I guess. That's racist, I guess. We should be able to defend and protect this nation and our borders.

It's not a racist thing. Every country has a right to protect their border. Every country all around the world has a right to protect themselves and protect their border. Why this country can't? Only these Washington establishment cronies will tell you. All right. Then he says, so many people are being led by deception, fear, but that should not be a child of the most high God.

A lot of people are being led by deception and fear, but he says, but that should not be a child of the most high God. We should be led and depending on God.

Yes, I just saw something put in the chat that the house will not pass that bill. I'm sure that they will not do that. They didn't pass the last one they tried to pass. All right, now a child, the most high God should not be controlled and manipulated by fear or deception. A child, the most high God should not be controlled and manipulated by fear or deception.

You should be led by my words, my light and my love in darkness. When things are going to look more impossible, that's when my light shines brighter. That's when I show the world that I Am the God who nothing is impossible. That's El Shaddai or Almighty God. He says, I Am El Shaddai. That's who I Am. I show up in the impossible situations every day.

It may be impossible for man, but it's not impossible for me. That's why he's telling us not to rely on our own understanding, because some of these things that we're facing are impossible for us. But if you think they're impossible for you, you'll just give up and quit and you won't fight. And that's why God says it's impossible for man, but it's not impossible for me.

You are also coming into a time where the dead will tell a story. I, I was, I was shot when the Lord said that. I was like, what? I'm going to read that again. You are all also coming into a time where the dead will tell a story. You may be asking, Lord, what does that mean? I know I did. He says there have been many people who have been killed for secrets to stay secret for evidence to stay hidden.

But those secrets and those bodies. And those people, the secrets will no longer stay hidden from the world. So he's telling us in this time, the dead will tell a story. Then he said, again, I'm going to say this again. There have been many people who have been killed for secrets to stay secret for evidence to stay hidden.

Those secrets and those bodies and those people, no secrets will no longer stay hidden from the world. So we're going to start seeing and hearing about things. And people that were killed on behalf of the Washington establishment and the global government to keep their secrets, guys saying these people that were killed.

These secrets are going to be come out in the open and exposed. And those people who were killed, their stories are going to be told.

Then he says, but those secrets and those bodies, those people, the secrets will no longer stay hidden from the world. Then he says an evil web, they have weaved in your nation's Capitol. They brought in slavery. They brought in bondage. They brought in corruption. They brought an evil that you didn't know existed.

And they kept it by silencing. They kill people. That's how they silenced them. They kept it by bribes. It was like, well, they tried to do to Carole Lake last year. They tried to bribe her with a hundred million dollars not to run for Senate. This is just one they've caught. There's more that God is saying they're going to be exposed.

Bribes have been a thing in this political realm, in this politicians and government, in this nation and around the world. But these bribes are going to be exposed. And he says they've kept it by blackmail. So they blackmail people. They said they kept it with their power and their money. They've used our tax money against us for years.

We just didn't realize it. But what happens when they have no money? Remember god said the babbling system is coming down Then he says what happens when they lose their source of power when they lose their control They're losing control over god's people all the time. They are afraid of god's people Why do you think they've done so much?

In the body of christ and against the body of christ because they were afraid of the body of christ. Then he says corruption fails And corruption falls. That's what you're about to see in DC. And he says it again. That's what you're going to see in DC. What? Corruption failing and corruption falling.

That's what we're going to see in DC. Then he goes on to say they will lose their money. And then he had me put in bold, not your money. They're going to lose this money of no restrictions. An endless spending and corruption to the highest level and what they've done with us and against us They're going to lose their spending power all the money.

They're giving to ukraine all their money. They're giving all these people It's not money. They actually have it's fraudulent It's not there. That's why back in the 1970s They wanted to get rid of the gold standard because they want an unlimited spending because if they have unlimited spending They have unlimited power against you There's a lot going on here that people had no idea existed.

He says they will lose theirs. They're going to lose their unlimited spending power.

And then as soon as you see it, you will understand what these words mean. I think a lot of us understand some of these words and some of them don't because they will not prevail. They will not move forward. But instead I Am bringing them down and unconventional, unprecedented and unusual ways. He's saying those three words again, unconventional, unprecedented, unusual ways.

Then he goes on to say I'm a supernatural God. I can shake supernaturally a prison cell and captors and Release the captives to be released so he can release again You can look up Manuel Johnson and I talked about this yesterday The story of Peter and Acts chapter 12 and the story of Paul and Silas and Acts chapter 16 Both of those examples were when God's people were in prison and God supernaturally got them out of those prison cells.

Ours are more spiritual and God is getting us out. That's what he's talking about. The captors are coming to my kingdom. That's what happened with Peter. They were holding Peter captive and the ones who are the captors that were holding him captive actually came into the body of Christ and so did his family.

Many captors are going to see the light. So many even people on the, in the Washington establishment, some will see the light. There are people that are going to run to me and not from me in DC. So not every person in DC is evil, obviously, but not every person that is on the wrong side are going to stay on the wrong side.

They're waking up. They will realize who's going to win, but they will also realize the truth and we'll set some of them free. You will see hearts of many hardened. So you're going to see people who are going to turn from the wicked ways. They're going to turn from that establishment. You're going to see it and then you're going to see people even dig their heels down even harder and harden their heart against God.

You will see the hearts of some softened. I've told you before. Now, listen, this is shocking to a lot of people. The Lord gave me a prophetic word back in I think it was January or early February of 2022. And he talked about how Russia was going to be in the news more and more. And you'll be surprised which side they're on.

That was part of that prophecy. Well, two weeks later, Russia and Ukraine war started, and the news media is saying one thing when it's really actually another, and guy's been saying that. Now he's been warning Putin, but there's something going on in Russia, and that's the reason why there is another war.

I've told you before to watch Russia. Now, they're not all innocent. I Am not saying that whatsoever, but he says something explosive is coming. Something explosive is coming that the world cannot deny. Something that you should not. Sorry, something that you have not seen coming. My children, some of this nation did not see it coming.

And it's more than an interview. Now there was last week there was an interview. I can't remember what day it was, if it was Thursday or Friday, it was after this prophetic work. With when Tucker Carlson interviewed Putin, all right, the Lord said in this word right here, what's going to be revealed is more.

Then an interview, and this is a time of information and to expose exposure and proof like never before. Then he goes on to say something big will come out of the Kremlin, something no one expected. Now that ties into other prophetic words that he's given about how Putin has things regarding Biden and Obama and the Washington establishment.

That's why they're going after him so hard. Now, he says, I told you before you'll be surprised at which side they're on. He's talking about Russia again. There are many governments. You will be surprised on which side they've actually been on. So he's talking about how you'd be surprised on what side Russia is on.

Then he says other governments, and now you're going to be surprised on what side they're on, because some look like they're for us when they're really against us, and there's some who are against it. They're really for us. Then he says, what's going on with your border and the people that have been released into this nation?

Remember, I know where exactly where everybody is, where all the nations that have come from and why they're here. There's nothing that's getting past God. And I have let my people in on it. So now God's saying he's revealing to his people what's really going on. Again, God said he's infiltrated the infiltrator.

So nothing gets past God. Then he says, there are certain people that have come in through your border that are about to be exposed. That are in connection with your government. So i'm going to read that again There are certain people that are coming through your border that are about to be exposed that are in connection With your government they've been paid for In the government by the government to come in here There will be money trail that will reveal your government and their dirty deals their money trails and blood money I will show you how your taxpayer dollars help to get them here to cause chaos and disruption God is going to show us how our taxpayer money have helped bring this chaos and disruption here.

They says, well, the chaos and disruption will not happen to my nation, but the ones who are against it. So they want to cause even more chaos and disruption than we're about to see. And he says, the chaos and disruption is going to happen against the ones that are against us. I told you to hold on because it's about to it's going to be a wild ride But again, I say 2024 is a year you've been waiting for so get with me and you will see all that I want you to see great revelations.

I reveal to each and every one of you so stay the course stay and pray Stay and pray says it again stay and fight stay and stand and I Will heal Your land again God is healing Our land no matter what it looks like no matter what's going on God is healing our land And so what our job is to do is to start getting more into the presence of almighty god Start reading more into his word getting to know who he is.

So we are able to stay And stand and pray and stand and fight Because he will heal our land So I want to pray over each and every one of you that you are able to stay and stand And that you will see through the eyes of christ and see what god has in store for you And for what's going on in your situation or in the nation.

So father god right now in jesus name We come boldly before your throne And we thank you father god that you are giving us revelation after revelation of who you are We thank you almighty god that you are the god who nothing is impossible You are else should I in every impossible situation that your people are facing right now?

I thank you father god that fear of that impossible situation is Watched it is destroyed. It is annihilated. It's brought to nothing I thank you father god right now that the enemy and the fear he's bringing with that word impossible The fear he's bringing with all these situations is destroyed and annihilated by you Because we know that you are true.

We know father god that you are el shaddai You're like God who nothing is impossible. I thank you father God right now that you are revealing yourself strongly on the behalf of all of your people, that no matter what they see, no matter what they're feeling, no matter what they're going through, father God, I thank you that you are the answer.

You are their way out. You are their escape, you are their deliverer, and you are their victory. And not only in their life personally, but in this nation and nations around the world. I thank you, Father God, that you are exposing all of this disinformation. You are exposing all the hidden secrets. You're exposing everybody they killed to keep this stuff going on.

I thank you, you are revealing, Father God, all to us. What's going on with their plans and how you are going to stop their plans with your hand I thank you that there's no fear here There's no fear in the body of christ because you are uniting the body of christ Your glory is filling up the body of christ with your presence your power and your goodness that way we all can stand And we will see you heal our land And so we thank you father god this day that you will have your way in our lives and in our nations In jesus name amen and amen again God is the one who has the final say and Before I go if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports Remember, we have a do have a very powerful prayer team here And we do pray for each every one of you every day You can go to our website at jgm international.

org under our contact page Or you can write us at julie green ministries international 46 20 east 53rd street sweet 200 down for I will fight you 807 and there are cups back at three sun threads Along with america needs god's shirts along with different colors and hats So get that stuff because you know what again The ministry does not get a dime of any of that.

We don't want a dime for any of that We want to give it to charity. Okay, we also want to let our enemies know That god is in control and god wins so you can go to threesunstreds. com To get any of those things shirts hats cups. They are back in stock and also be i'll be on today with pastor david scarlett I Am so excited with take five in his glory today and I want to see what god has in store for us And how many things he's going to reveal to us on that show.

So hope you guys can join us today and God always wins. I'll be back here tomorrow morning at 6 30 central time I hope you can join me. I hope to encourage you today Please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone You know who needs to hear an encouraging word who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free God loves you.

I love you God bless you and have a wonderful day!

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COPYRIGHT 2023 Julie Green Ministries International

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