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Prophet Julie Green - Live With Julie With Manuel Johnson - Captions
In this conversation between Julie Green and Manuel Johnson, they express their prayers for those on the front lines of ministry and their families. They acknowledge that the enemy tries to attack people's health and that there is a spirit of blindness on some individuals. They encourage listeners to pray for a covering and to take authority in their states and neighborhoods. They also share a prophetic message about three major blows that will occur throughout the year, bringing exposure and favor to the United States. The two emphasize the importance of unity in the body of Christ and the power that comes from being in one accord. They urge listeners to celebrate and praise God, as He is the one who unifies and brings victory against the enemy.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie and Manuel! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Scitures for today Tuesday 2/13/24 "Julie With Manuel Johnson" *Live*:
Acts 2:12,16
2Chronicles 20
John 17:1-26
Hebrews 10:30
Psalm 24:1-4
Psalm 33:10
Job 40:6-8
Exodus 14:9-11
Proverbs 13:22
Hebrews 2:14
1Samuel 15:1-35
2Samuel 5:12
Full Video Transcript:
Good morning. Finally. Thank you for joining today's live show. I do apologize. There was massive technical difficulties this morning, but what we always say, God wins. I tell you guys to put that in the chat every morning. I tell you guys to put that in the comment section every morning because what God does win.
And what we say all the time is Isaiah 54:17, no weapon formed against us shall prosper, and even technical problems are not going to prosper in Jesus name. So, I want to thank you for joining today's later live show with my dear friend, Manuel Johnson. Welcome to the live show today. How are you, sir?
Oh my God, this is the day the Lord has made. Come on! And we will rejoice and be glad to be in it. Julie, you know what I'm about to say. Everybody, come on. These are what? Glory days and not gloomy. Glory for the righteous and gloomy for the wicked. And as Julie was speaking that word, You know, going through some technical issues right now.
You see, we have that authority to reverse that thing and put it on the enemy. So right now the enemy is going to go through, is going through technical issues right now, beyond measure. Lord, we just send that thing back on the enemy seven times. Lord, let every technical issue go down with him. Amen. Glory to God.
Cause seriously, we have that authority. We take a. Dorothy over the airwaves right now and the name of Jesus. That's right. We'll just, just take it over these saints. And you know what? Let me tell you something. When those things do happen, you can bet for sure. The enemy is shaking out of his feet and shoes because he said, Oh no, I can't allow these words to get out, but you know, the good news is.
That the bad news didn't work out. I tell everybody every single day, and I want to remind them that God wins because there's a lot of circumstances in our own life. That we have to remind ourself that God does because the enemy wants us to feel like we failed or we're going to lose And so if we know if God wins and God's on the inside of us then we win too and I want people to know that on a daily basis and Be encouraged by that when the enemy's putting pressure on them to give up and quit we don't have to quit The enemy has to quit because the enemy is guaranteed to lose.
We are guaranteed to win because we are the greater one on the inside of us. He hits in the world. And so that's why every day I tell everyone, please put it in the chat, blow it up everywhere. And that's the reason why even three sons threads has made God win shirts because we have to remind not only ourselves, but we have to remind our enemy that God wins and we know it.
And that's why we're never going to give up and quit. Ooh, you guys eating this thing up. Are you guys eating it up? Eat it up right now. Come on, eat it up. I love it. You know, God's got this thing. God's got this thing. We are in a battle field, but we fight a good fight. We run a good race. You know, the Bible makes it very clear.
The scripture said we will be tried. We will be tried. And sometimes we're being tried with our body. Sometimes we're being tried with. What happened this morning, technical, you know, we'll be trying whatever it is. The enemy tries to mess with, but we have that authority. Are you going to mess with me? Okay.
I can't wait. Cause I'm going to start witnessing to a whole bunch of people every day. And that's what I love about Ron Hon Bunky. Bless, bless him. He's with the Lord now, but there was a time Julie, wonderful saints that Bunk was having this huge. Huge crusade in Africa. And I mean, it, it, the planning took for months and a lot of finances go into it.
And nobody knew about it. This all of a sudden, the day of this crusade, you know, the day of the crusade, thousands of people were shot. Just thousands of people. Nobody knew about it. This dark cloud, he talks about it, this dark cloud, huge comes over, it was thundering and lightning to try to destroy this stop this crusade, and Bonky on the stage!
saw it. I mean, it was coming towards them. He knew it was a demonic and he looked at that. He says, Oh, no, you're not. No, you are not. He said you are. He didn't. He just he didn't just command it. He says, Devil. I know you're still trying to send this thing. He says, if you think that you're going to bring this storm on my crusade from this very hour, I'm going to start witnessing every single, he just started saying things about witnessing about Christ.
I'm going to, just going to take it up to the next level. People saw the cloud. Change course right after that word, right after he took authority and also said, I'm not going to just take authority, but I'm going to start witnessing, you know, three, four times a day that you wouldn't believe it. Everybody in Africa is going to get saved it.
That bothered the enemy so much. It messed them up so much. They saw the cloud take an about face somewhere else and didn't touch the crusade. Now, I don't know what happened after that. It's bonk. He still didn't, you know, but all I know was. He, he felt the threat of authority and losing Africa and said, okay, I'm not going to do it.
I'm just letting you know what happened. Okay. And just like California, you, if you've seen the news, you know, everybody's saying that California is taking a mud bath. You know, well, not, not in my neighborhood, not in my home. We, you know, we prayed, we took authority. Yeah. There are certain places in California that did have some situations, but let me tell you something, the Lord made it very clear that this is also symbolic.
This is also symbolic. So I'm giving you the news before the news. Things are happening in our state, Julie, that you wouldn't, I mean, things are happening in our state that you would not believe. You're not going to hear that from the mainstream. But we're moving and we're moving for the Lord. And so I'm excited.
You know, you're talking about a storm and you talked about how you spoke to the storm. I know I do too. I've been telling people this to start doing that. And the reason why is because remember when Jesus spoke to the storm and he said, peace be still. Yes. He also said in his word, he said, I want you to do even greater works because I'm going to my father.
You will do greater works because I'm going to my father. God is expecting us. To start using the authority of Almighty God in the way Jesus was our example. And if Jesus did it, He was saying, Hey, you see me as an example, doing these things in the authority of my Father upon this earth. He was a man anointed by Almighty God, and He's saying, Hey.
I'm used as an example, do it. And so, and there's like, because I live in Iowa, so we live, you know, there's tornadoes and there's thunderstorms. We actually, a couple years ago, had a derecho, which is like an inland hurricane. It was really bad. But again, what did we do? Every single time there's a storm. I don't sit there and run.
I don't go cower. I don't go hide. I actually run outside half the time. Or I go run to a window and one of the first things I do is say, there will be no tornado here. It will not touch down. I will not have any problems with my home. It will not hinder my house. It will not touch my house and I'll hurt my, my home or my family or my vehicles or anything that's surrounding it.
I said in the name of Jesus Christ, you have to pass over. Or there was one time where there was starting to be a funnel cloud. And I said, ah, you get up there in the name of Jesus Christ. You will not touch my property because i'm blood bought blood washed alamosai god And I will not have any demonic entity or any type of thing that is caused by the enemy Touching my house and doing my house any harm or my property harm because that's like just like the angel of death With in the land of goshen remember it could not touch them Remember the hail that turned into fire that judgment that happened.
It did not touch them god's completely Separating his people In the land of Goshen, that was another example of the power of almighty God and what he does for his people. He separates them and now he's saying, Hey, you have a better covenant. I have given you power, authority, and dominion over this earth, so use it.
And so just like you did, just like you, you sat there and you said, Oh, I don't care what's happening in the state of California. It's not going to come to me. That's right. And I'm telling you, the reins are symbolic. I believe they're a cleansing, they're a cleansing and they're a wake up call. That's right.
This is, this is, this is huge things. I took authority over our home. I took authority over our neighborhood. Nobody in our neighborhood, in our community. Was affected by the rain as a heartbeat and I went to our, I went to our HOA manager and she said, we're good. We're good. He says, nothing we did. And I'm like, Lloyd.
Once again, God's God always wins. Okay, right. I'm going to use that. He always wins saints, because God doesn't make mistakes. And a few minutes before we aired, I you know, I was releasing a word to Julie that I felt that was also on my heart that God wanted me to release saints. This is a year of the crossroad here.
Okay. It's a crossroad. So that means because of the things God's about to do and is already doing, you and I, it's not just of the watch and see. Okay. We already, we, we are not, we have been called to stand. In the righteousness of Christ, and we stand and we pray, we receive the word and we release the word in praying.
We have a team of Angelics that are with you and I. They move according to God's word. This country, this nation. It's founded on the word of God. It doesn't matter what the media said. Okay. Those are the media nights. It's founded on the word of God and our forefathers. New this day might happen where the enemy would try to come in and try to turn things his way, but this is not so because of the covenants and the prayers that are bressed in the soil of the United States, now it's our time to shine.
Now it's our time to rise up and take the prayers and, and the sowing into this, this nation and take it to the next level. Mm-Hmm. , we've last year. So many men and women of God, including me, including Julie, traveled the width of this nation to speak into the states, the cities, and into the people that God is not finished yet.
And as we see in the book of Acts, there was a time. Well, actually I was not, that was, was many times, but there was one of the times where Harold at that time. Rose up and he wanted to do the Jews a favor. That's what the Bible said. And so he had executed James, one of the followers, powerful follower of Jesus.
And then he saw it was okay, let's take Peter and they arrested Peter. Peter did not know how this thing was going to go. We can see that as we study it, but the scriptures made it clear the church was praying. We don't realize, and the scriptures doesn't tell us, if the church was interceding when they took James, but we know they were interceding when they took Peter.
Because they realize, and many times, God will allow a crisis to bring out the best in us. We see that it happens during the time of Daniel. Prophet Julie, when all of a sudden Nebuchadnezzar gets a dream, and he's not pleased in the interpretation of that dream. No he was not. Okay, so he said, look, if you guys are out of here, And Daniel and his companions was not aware that the news was going to come to their door and listen, there are times God will allow a surprise news to get us wet on our knees and Daniel and his companions match up Meshach and Abednego prayed all night and it was revealed to Daniel.
But guess what happened? Daniel Daniel wasn't alone. He prayed with his friends. And you guys know the rest of the story, but we're in that season. We're in that season that God wants not us to be hearers, but doers. It is important, Julie, what you just said, here's not doers. And when people are brought to their knees and there are certain things that have happened, you don't know why, like Peter, when Peter was arrested and he went into the jail, how profound that was.
I was just actually going over that in a live show, I think, or as a prerecord last week, how beautiful that story was. Not only did God free Peter. But God saved the one who imprisoned him. That's right. The prison guard was actually on his knees and he wanted to know Peter's God. He wanted to know because he knew what happened in that jail cell.
He knew that he served the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And he wanted to know that God. And not only was that. prison guard saved, but so was his family. So even in the most crucial time, he had the body of Christ waking up. He had them praying for Peter in one accord. And then you had during the whole entire time that Peter was being released, a prisoner or the prison guard.
who was holding him captive was awakened as well. So there was great and mighty and powerful things that came out of something that looks so detrimental. It looks so impossible. It looked like Peter was going to be sent to death, but no, there was a life. There was a resurrection at that point because there was a man.
Who wasn't that prison guard who was going to go to hell, but he was, he became born again, child of the most high God. And so did his family out of that darkness, out of that, something that looks so virtually impossible for Peter and it got the children of almighty God. To also stand and pray and intercede on Peter's behalf.
So it was twofold. There was things happening on both sides of the aisle. And that's what's happening right now. There has been a things that God's allowed to happen because he's waking up the body of Christ. He's getting them to stand. He's getting them to know his authority and, and the people who are holding us captive.
Are waking up to the truth and going into the kingdom of almighty God. So it is twofold. It's happening on both sides of the aisle. God's doing it. Then he did, then he's doing it again. And that's why it's so important for God's people to choose what you're saying. To choose what side they're on, because this is a coming a time where we're going into a serious time right now, right?
Serious, serious time. And I know you're going to add to that now, saints, Julie is extremely excited right now. Okay. So, so what she was saying to Paul inside, that's what she was talking about. She was talking about the jail, the, you know, the jail situation with Paul in silence in the middle of the night and Peter.
Yeah. What Peter's here. Okay. And with Peter, yeah, there was, yeah, where the angel came in, came in also, and and said, Peter, first of all, get dressed, so we, Peter says, look, I can't look at you, Peter, all that hair, get dressed, and then, you know, the time where Paul and Silas was where they were about to be probably executed the next morning.
And did my God, the jailhouse shook. Mm-Hmm. . And I'm telling you, it was very, which, you know, Julie hid it on the nose, his whole family. She goes, man, he saw it. It's like, oh my God, all these prisoners are gonna escape. Whoa. But I'll tell you something. It's like Julie said, he saw the power of God. He said, look, yep.
What can I do to be like you guys? I, I'm, what, what? Can I be saved? Cause he was about to kill himself too. He was about to take his life. He's going down, you know, and I'm telling you, so we see that where people are getting born again based off a crisis, you know, and, and, and saints, listen, God was, he said, you know, my people, it's, I'm not trying to take sides.
Oh, I love a donkey or I love a elephant. Come on, saints. Understand this. You know when, when, when Joshua was praying 'cause he know how, how am I gonna take down J Jericho? You know what happened? The, the, you know, Lord showed up with his sword and, and Joshua goes, what side are you on? He goes, neither I, I know.
I'm, I'm not come to take sides. I'm come to take over. That's right. So you have to understand that. Okay,
I love it. And, and so people are going to get born again based off of what they're seeing, you know, eyes are going to be opened. Saints, you got to remember when the enemy rises up, some people say storm, some people say flood. God always rises up a standard against him. That's right. Always raises up a standard against him.
And We are in that season. So we're, it's, you know, promotion and graduation, not the way you think, but you were faithful during this time and this trial. Yep. Okay. And so you want to be faithful, pray it through, pray it through. Lord, I'm praying for the men of God. The men and women of God that are on the front line.
Come on. They're on the front line. I'm praying for their ministry. Come on. I'm praying for their families. All right. Do not think that the enemy doesn't try to attack people's health. That's right. Don't we see it in the scriptures. All right, if they can't touch this, they'll try to touch that. If they can't touch that, they'll try to touch something else.
Pray that hedge, a covering, as the men and women of God that are out there in the front lines, whether it's live or whether it's live stream, it doesn't matter. It's the same. The word is getting out through the airwaves because there's power in your words and my words. Yep. And, and, and Julie, I have not been as excited for this year as I've been for 80 years.
I've been excited for many years, but this year is very, it's extremely important because it's going to be major exposure. Well, we've had that. No, no, no, no, no. Major exposure, like you've never, never seen major exposure where God starts to really just open the eyes of those that are walking in blindness.
That's the only reason why they can't see. There's a spirit of blindness on them. Yep. So like you can give it to them. Show them the evidence and the whole, and, and, and their face. No, no, no. That's because there's a spirit of blindness. And I've been praying, Lord, open their eyes. Yes. So they can see the truth in every state.
Come on. Yes. Every state. I believe every state right now. I was watching this live stream. Saints. God didn't make a mistake when he put you there. He didn't make a mistake. Take authority over your state. Take authority over your, your, your, your neighborhood, over your schools. Take authority over the government platform in your state.
Take authority because God is not done with the United States of America. You know, and there's certain things that the Lord had me to release a few days ago and I said, well, you want me to say, yeah, you release it because these things are going to take place. Julie, I saw in saints that are watching, I saw three.
Major blows this year. Ooh, I'm feeling it right now. I'm telling you, and it's not the tacos I had last night. So I saw three major blows and that's what the Lord use blows. It was like man, I'm telling you. Some people don't think so, but I'm telling you, our God has a sense of humor. It was like being in the ring with Mike Tyson.
He major blows.
He's got a sense of humor. I'm telling you. And I saw this, this fist, but it had a boxing glove on it. It had a boxing glove on it. And it was like the, the, the huge boxing glove came from heaven. And it was like, I could see the enemies of God thinking that they were going to whatever strategize. Confusion and mess or whatever.
And I saw the major glove boxing glove come in one was in the major. What the first major blow was in the beginning of the year, which is we are now, so something's going to happen within the next few days, a few weeks. of 2024 and I saw the blow it went boom their plan failed then the second blow oh my god I feel the holy ghost goosebumps on me and they're all chuckling you know so listen
the second blow happened around June and May another power and each blow Saints, the glove got bigger. It was just bigger, a bigger blow. Boom. That's this is, it was powerful. The third blow. Ooh, shoulder. I saw take place around November and December and the big, it was such a blow in November and December against the enemies of God, against those that tried to trouble this nation.
That this one was beyond recovery. They could not recover. They could not recover it, recover this, whatever. It was done. It was done. And so this, I, it was so powerful because the, the Lord gives me certain things during the month. And then he gives me certain things during the year. And then I would. And I was like, wow, now thank God that you and I are on the side that win.
And if you're watching and you're not certain, you better get on the side that wins. Because every time the enemy is exposed, God gives us or whoever that's only a chance to get on the right side. That's the reason why when Moses was on the Mount Sinai for 40 days. Receiving the word of God and he came back, you know, and he came back down and it looked like it was Super Bowl.
Yeah. Yeah, you know, and, and so, but what was most even with all of that God was very, very. Even with all of that, the Lord said through Moses, he who's on the Lord's side, come next to me. God always gives that grace of window to make that decision to make that wrong. Right. Yes. Yes. And so saints. Even in the midst of all of that, Moses said, who's ever on the Lord's side and the, the Levites came and to this day, I still don't, I, it doesn't, I can't fathom after that happened that only one tribe out of 12 said, let's get right.
I don't understand why the 11th didn't do it. To this day, and that God has not revealed me why, you know, I mean done the deepness of it, but still, this is this, this is the time. If you're on the Lord side, get on the stay on the Lord side right now and stay. Yeah. And, and God will anoint you wonderful saints.
To take authority. The things that are going on in your nation, in your state, in your neighborhood, even in your home, because I have family members that are not yet saved, Julie, they're not saved. They know what me and my wife, she would do. They know we're out there getting a guy, but they're not saying they've actually seen eyes seeing the move of God in our life.
A handful of them have even been to our services and they see it and still not yet. But they're watching and I'm always speaking over them, Lord, open their eyes, open their eyes. Because he, God will remember your family members. And so I have this three minute. Sorry, two and a half minute clip. The Spirit of God was on me and I had to release it.
And and that's why, you know, when, when, when I was told that they were having technical, which happens because I've had them too. Believe me, there's not one live stream anointed and appointed by God that doesn't have technical issue at times. Believe me, you know, and I've always told my wife, I said, Technology is good.
Okay, but there are days, there are days, there are days you gotta take your hand and put it on that computer and tell that computer to get right with God.
Yes, that's for sure. But glory to God.
Praise the Lord. This is a day that the Lord has made and we are in glory days and not gloomy days. I've came with you with a very powerful word from the Lord. The Lord continues to tell me, speak it. I spoke it in December of 2023 and January of 2024. Now here it's February of 2024. I'm going to speak it again.
That there's going to be a major pushback against the enemies of God. Against with It's been happening into our nation. A major blow is going to go against the enemies of God and I said that the Lord said it's going to start from the Supreme Court on down. God is going to start dealing with the highest Supreme Court of the land.
You're going to hear, you're going to hear a favor from the, you're just going to hear that the, the, the, I don't know how they actually pronounce the judgments, but all I know is that it's going to be a major blow. Against those that are trying to trouble this nation. And I saw the rights of voting all over the United States.
I saw Donald Trump's name on the voting ballots all over all the 50 states in America. So. Whatever the enemy is trying to do is not going to happen. You will hear that they'll make an announcement and it's going to go all over the news, all of the media. And you're also going to see that Bitcoin is going to rise.
It is going to go up. It is going to go up like you wouldn't believe. And, and whatever it is now, it's going to go more, it's going to double. You're going to see this happen. God's doing a shakening in the currency of the world. I saw gold triple, I saw silver triple, and I also saw copper start to go up like you wouldn't believe.
So, get ready, get ready, Saints, what God is doing, and I saw such an anointing on the body of Christ. There's gonna be a move of God of unity. God's gonna start bringing in unity, and with different denominations around the world and in America. You're going to start to see certain things, and the nation of Israel are going to start to rise up like you never believed.
The Lord comes, I'm releasing this word. I'm going to release this word. The United States is going to be respected more than you've ever even imagined because they're going to know, people are going to say, God's hand is on the United States. So we are not going down, we are going through, and we're growing, and we're going to be better than ever.
Like I said before, I say it again, the good news is that the bad news didn't work out. God wants His saints to hang on. He wants us to hang on. Just hang on, be strong. Hang, stay on the Word of God. Stay strong with His Word. There's going to be many believers. Believers are going to be rising up with authority, and they're going to be walking in their authority like they've never walked in it before.
Speaking those things that be not as doted, where I am so excited. These are such glowy days. So you got to be a part of it. Get, you got to be a part of it. Come on. I'm already in celebration mode and fish taco mode. Glory to God. We'll see you next time on Prophets. You know something that you were saying on here February Hold on second.
Sorry Something you were saying on here is that there was gonna be a knighting in the body of Christ God has been telling me this over and over and over again He's been saying that he's the unifier and that he is Uniting and the reason why it's so important for not only for us to be standing for us to be shouting for us to be Praising but just like you said for us to be celebrating is because we're celebrating the fact That God is the one who's doing it.
God is the one who's in control. Either we believe him or we don't. And another thing about so important about the unification that you were talking about, how God is unifying the by of Christ is because the unifying it when they were in one accord in the upper room in Acts chapter two. What happened?
That's right. The fire of almighty God. Why? Because they were unified, they were in one accord, and they were looking to God, they weren't looking around, they weren't tearing each other apart, and when we are unified like that, we have more power, and we have more authority, and we do more damage against the enemy, because our focus is on the Lord, and not what the enemy is doing, and so that way when he comes in here, you With discouragement and depression and fear and doubt and worry and unbelief, we're not going to have any of that.
We're not going to have any of that because we will have that fire of almighty God on the inside of us. We'll have that joy. The Lord, that's our strength. We are celebrating and God knows, remember we're celebrating, we're praising and worshiping God. He sets up ambushes against the enemies of almighty God, like he did in second Chronicles 20, and that's why we should be celebrating now and not waiting for it to happen, doing it now because God setting that stuff up against our enemy.
Saints. Julie could not have said it any better, okay? So she saw, I did this, I can't even add to that. But I'll just, but I'll say this, God is a God of congregation, not segregation. Yeah. You and I have to understand, okay, one of the prayers, That. See, I didn't know Julie had said that. Mm-Hmm. . So this is confirmation.
Yep. Because I saw it. That goes with the book of John. Jesus had three prayers. Okay. And one of his prayers was that his, his sheep will be in unity. It's there, it talks about that. Mm-Hmm. . And so. Those prayers was answered and those prayers are going to be answered. And the enemy knows that if he can bring division and disunity, it gives him an advantage, but he's at a major disadvantage when there is unity.
Remember that. And that's why, you know, people have asked me and Shiva, they want us to do a marriage council on, on, on marriage and things like that. And I've always said, and somebody needs to hear this because they, they, you know, I've said it also in the, in the meetings, you know, the best marriage is when the Holy Spirit has the last word.
It's listen, there's things that are allowed and things that are not allowed and I matter, okay, Laura, I see you want me to speak this. So whoever's listening, disagreements are allowed,
but not disunion. Disagreements are allowed. You can still be in one and still disagree. It's the disunion that enemies try to do. You never allow your home to be split because of a dis, because of a disagreement that became a disunion. Mm hmm. There are many times God will speak to that to your loved one later.
It's okay. So if I'm in a mood for fish tacos and Shiva maybe wants a green salad, that's all right. We're going to get the green salad.
Well, to add to that too, where strife is, is where every other evil thing is. Though that's good. That's why there's supposed to be unity in your household. That's why you're supposed to be. I mean, again, we're not going to, even as a husband and wives, we're not going to always agree with everything our spouse always says all the time.
And they're not going to always agree with us. So the fact that, that God should be the center of our home. And if God is the center of our home, that means love is the center of our home. If love is the center of our home, that's where joy, that's where peace, that's where healing, it's where restoration and every other good thing is.
If we have love controlling our home, if there is strife and there is bitterness, now this is not just about a marriage. This is also about the children of almighty God, because what you're talking about, if there is division, which there you, if you look at the body of Christ right now, it is a flaming hot mess.
And I told that to God, I said, Lord, if we went by what the body of Christ looks like right now, it is awful. But again, God does not go by what he sees. And neither should we, we should be calling in unity because God is a unifier. And he said, there's something that's going to stop my unity and how I'm going to unify the body of Christ because no one can stop me.
So he's been giving us confirmations. And again, you can't watch me. I can't watch you. There has been great confirmations and what you've had said, what I have said and what other people have said, because what God is confirming it throughout all of his people. That's what he does. No one's copying off each other.
It is confirmation. And that's why we all get so excited when we hear each other say something. Yes. You know, saints it, the things that I, the Lord showed me, this was in December of 2023. Okay. And, and so, so Julie didn't know this, so she may have said something about it, but this was in December of 2023. I released that word that the situation that took place in Colorado.
And I said, it's going to go to the Supreme Court. The, and it will be accepted. The case will be accepted. That was spoken in December and the Lord is going to, it's going to favor in the voting rights, which not just for, not just for Donald Trump, but for all of us. Okay. But. That will be the first blow. So Louis said, speak it again in January.
I said, Louis, but I spoke it in, speak it again in January. Speak it again in February. I said, okay. He said, I'm going to do this thing. I'm going to do this thing because this is our season of, people are going to say justice. Yes. Vindication. Vindication. Because there's a lot of justice. Whoa. I love it. Oh, three fish tacos today.
I'm telling you. A lot. Vindication. Because there's people that receive from the prophets and there's people that mock the prophets. Yeah. Okay. So God is the great vindicator. And if you've been standing on the word of God. You will what be established. You've been standing with his prophets. The Lord said you will prosper.
So the vindication it's gonna also come on you too because there are people out there. They think that we're just foolish. Yes, because they don't understand the ways of God. I understand. I got that. I got that. But you and I, but God is doing unique things. In our nation and with the body of Christ, church is not going back to where it used to be.
That's right. Understand that sings There, you know, people don't pray. Oh, bring it back to where you say, no, no, no. God's doing a new thing. Okay. He's doing a new thing. And we're, we're that generation. That's why you need to get excited. You know, God's doing a new thing. You know, look at my shirt. Wow. I was doing a new thing.
I say, you have to understand. And I want it, but there are people that are still walking around with old wine skin. And he can't pull that new wine in your old wine skin. So you have to understand this. And I told my wife, this is great. We got new wine skin and new wine coming. And it's great and you want to be ready for it.
So I saw this major unity take place with different denominations and they were saying, you know what, maybe this meant, maybe these prophets have. And so I saw the unity with the great unity. Came great breakthroughs, great miracles, great signs and wonders. And it went then as God started dealing with the church, guess what else?
Ooh, I'm excited. God started to deal with relationships, marriages that were ordained by God. God started to repair. Ooh, yummy. He started to repair relationships that the enemy tried to sabotage.
This love boat spirit was coming in all the many of the saints of God. I saw this. Who God has brought together. Let no man, what? Put us under. That's right. And so saints, don't ask me how. I just know through the power of the Holy Spirit. Just like Mary said, how you gonna do it? You know, Hey, I'm ready. The power of the Holy Spirit is going to invade and take over.
And let it happen. God can do things in your marriage, in your relationship, ordained by God, that we couldn't do in years. Let Him. Let Him, Saints. And so, and some of you, many of you that are watching that are pastors, Ministers. Come on, you get ready because, because you stood on God's word and you stood to God's prophet, God is going to anoint your ministry and in a way that you've never experienced it.
We are already been seeing venetation, Julie. We've already been seeing it. Praise the lord. We've been seeing the vindication in our lives and in our ministry. We've been seeing it and and the best is yet to come. And so saints, this is going to be, we saw that it was an historic year last year. And actually, I think I said it on Julie's platform that this is going to be an historic year 2023.
And believe me, it was okay. So I'm going to say This is going to be a historic election. This year, Julie, the Lord spoke to me and said it more than once. He says, I have anointed this election, which you saw in 2020 will not repeat itself. Mm hmm. I'm going to say it again. Ooh, I feel that. Ooh, those goosebumps are getting out of control.
What I, this is the Lord, not me. What I, what you experience, and he was talking about that in 2020, he says, My son, it will not repeat itself. The enemy will make people think
that it will. He says, Oh, no. And I start and I believe I didn't hear this one from the Lord. It's based off my observation doing the downloads. I believe the third boom is when everything is disarmed. That the enemy was planning. It gets disarmed big time. So, that's what I saw. Major celebration. You ready for this, Julie?
Saints, it was not just in the United States. It was other nations celebrating what just took place in our nation. And something to confirm that one of the things that God said about this election He said first of all an election was not gonna say this country. He said I will but he said it's gonna be Unconventional ways he was gonna do this and unconventional ways I know we have to remember just like we were talking about the beginning of this live show God allows Certain things to happen he allowed And this might ruffle people's feathers, it might make people mad, but it's the truth.
He had to allow 2020, he had to allow that election. And the reason why, first of all, is because we had to know what our country and the type of condition it really was in, because we had no idea. Two, it was to put the evil rulers on the center stage for their final. An utter takedown so the world could see What they thought they wanted and they really did not want and it's opening their eyes It's opening the eyes of the church.
It's opening the eyes of people who were not a part of the church It's opening the eyes of the wicked and what god is doing This time in this year and with this election and with what's going on in this nation. It is so Far greater because God is removing the filth. He's pulling out and pulling down all those strongholds because now he's gotten his church to open up their eyes and see what was truly going on.
And they are now believing him. And also they're speaking. What he needs them to speak. They're believing in him. They're believing in his word. They're not backing off They're not backing down. They're starting to know the authority of Almighty God what Satan meant for harm in 2020 He meant to kill this nation.
He meant to kill the body of Christ He meant to kill our faith and trust in God and instead We've become more persistent. We have become more fighters. We have become stronger in the Lord and the power of his might. With the enemy meant for harm, God's turning it into something good. And this is where more vindication comes in.
God said there was a hurricane coming. He said it was a hurricane. It was a perfect storm of judgment, a storm of justice, and a storm of Vindication And so when you use that word of vindication God is saying it's a storm of vindication Because he is vindicating this nation. He is vindicating his people in this nation He has vindicated the people and the prophets and also the politicians.
He is vindicating the passers He is vindicating those who have stood and stood for the word of god that have been persecuted after persecution He's saying It is a storm of vindication and justice of almighty God. He's taking care of the wicked and he's also vindicating his people. That's what this is.
It is like you said, that one, two punch, but that one, two, three punch. It is God saying, Hey. I'm a deliverer, not only am I a deliverer, but I'm the vindicator. He said, because vengeance is mine. And he said the, the meting out the full justice rests with me, Hebrews 10 and 30. And so if we think about this for a minute, all the things that you're saying, the confirmation that you're hearing and you're seeing in these dreams and prophetic words that God is giving to you have been.
Confirming what the Lord has been saying to me. And so that's why it's so encouraging. That's why we are, I know me and you are just excited people. We get excited when we were talking about the word of God, but it's even more exciting. I'm holding my table.
It's more exciting because God is giving confirmation. After confirmation and I keep hearing it from my team from other prophets that I can't listen to that God is confirming his profits in this day This is reason why we should all be celebrating and I'll be excited because this Is our year. Oh, Julie, let me read these four script, these, these few, these scriptures here.
So listen, Julie was speaking. I'm getting excited, okay? I'm getting, you know, the table. I'm getting excited. She's speaking the word, you know, because I'm hearing from Julie. I'm seeing the confirmation, you know. I'm, it's like, so that's good. I'm not hearing this. Come on. And, and so as she was speaking, guess what came down?
Psalms 24, Psalms 24, Psalms 24. It just, just not the whole thing, but just the, these scriptures. Cause it was just coming at me and Julie's like, the earth is the Lord's and everything in it. Okay. Not the enemies. The earth is the Lord's. Remember that. Okay. God's got this, the world. And all who live in it, for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters.
Now, now, listen closely, it gets real juicy. Who may ascend to the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands. Think about that. Think about that sentence. And a pure heart, who does not trust in idols, are sweared by a false god. Now, listen. They will receive blessings from the Lord.
Ooh, and vindication from their savior. Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face. The God of Jacob. You want to hear another one that's exciting? Okay. This is one he keeps giving me over and over and over again. This will excite you as well. I know it's exciting. Everybody else excited me too.
In Psalm 33 in verse 10, the Lord brings a council, the nations to nothing. He makes their plans of the people of no effect. So he makes a council of the nations to nothing. That means all the world leaders. That means all these globalists. That means all Washington establishment and all these council of all these people and all these people in charge.
He says, I have brought them to nothing. And then he goes further and it says, but I have made their plans of no effect. They have plans to steal this country. They have plans to kill this nation. They have plans to kill our freedoms forever, once and for all. They have all these different things and God saying their council and all their plans.
It's coming to nothing and it make knowing effect, make no effect against my people. And so what we have to do is hold onto these scriptures that you just gave of Psalm 24 what the Lord has given me of Psalm 33 in verse 10 and say, God is not allowing this to happen because he is the great vindicator.
God's bringing them to nothing because how can the creation overthrow the creator? They can't do that. Exactly. And God sits in heavens and he laughs. And so if you think about all these things that they are doing, He allowed 2020 to happen. If God didn't allow 2020, it would not have happened. Period. He needed his body to realize what was going on, but he also needed his body to realize who was saving this nation.
And it wasn't just a man anointed by him. It is not just President Trump. It is God Almighty. God is doing it. And God can have a vessel and vessels, but there has to be what? A working end too. God doesn't just want to use vessels and servants. Just to work through, but also work in. Okay. So you have to remember that.
And as Julie was speaking, what does the word say? And this is going to confirm the words God has been given. Julie, all these weeks, all these months and all these years, God will not be mocked. Remember that. Okay. God allows, like she said, she's absolutely right. He allows the enemy to make his move. We read that in the book of Job.
Because, okay, do what you need to do to Job. This is your limitation. But this is what you need, you know. Then I'm going to do my thing. So, I really believe there was a major conversation regarding our nation in 2020. If you allow me to do this, allow this to happen, everybody will, whatever. Oh yeah, go ahead.
I will allow you to do it. But the enemy doesn't know the future. He just tries to predict it. He doesn't know it. The future is in God's hands, not the enemy's hands. Okay. He's only an accuser. Okay. He's not a prophet. Alrighty. And I know people said, yeah, but he took a third. If he, if the, if the devil was a prophet, none of the things that he promised those angels that he manipulated are coming to pass.
Okay. And people say, well, who were those, who were those angels? Well, this, I didn't get a direct word from the Lord, but he did show me a vision. I said, well, who was the third angels that went with him? He says, and the Lord showed me a vision. And I saw at that time he wasn't of Satan, he was Lucifer.
And what he was, he was in charge of all the, all the worship. So I said, you mean it was the choir? I go, Oh, whoa. All I saw, he was before these peep, these angels that were worshiping the choir of the part of the choir. And they were the ones that listened to, so be careful when you've preached to the choir.
Okay. But I'm just,
glory to God. These are glory days that we're living in and, and don't. Ever, even, I don't care how tense it gets, or how tense it looks, come on, do not be deceived. God is not mocked. That's right. Do not be deceived. You'll see something to make it look like, oh, pfft, no, no, no, no. That's the way the enemy always wants you to think.
He is not in control. Julie spoke it, it's true. He is not in control. He has to answer to God. You know, and just another thing to add to that. You had Pharaoh who thought he was a god. First of all, you had all the plagues. He had to let God's people go. He had to let God's people go with everything. They literally took them and wiped them out.
The Israelites wiped out the Israelites or the Egyptians before they left. They left. Okay. And then all of a sudden it looked like the enemy was trapping them by the Red Sea. God allowed the enemy to pursue his people. You think that they would just keep them back in Egypt. He allowed them to pursue God's people.
Why? It was for their ultimate destruction and for their ultimate takedown, like a KO, like a knockout punch. It was the end. Oh boy. That's that is, she drove it home. Okay. What happened? It was a supernatural hit there. Julie, listen, I I'm as funny, but Julie sometimes doesn't even know how funny she gets.
Okay. So I'm not laughing at her. I'm laughing with her. She, that was funny. You know. Remember the night of exodus, the night of exodus. Remember that what did Moses say after, you know, Pharaoh said, get them out of here. Moses said, we're not yet. We're going to have a black Friday night,
the jewels, the silver, the gold, the cloth, the black eye. I mean, that was the first black Friday. Yeah, that's true. You know, that's coming. Yeah, that's coming. Okay. It's coming, you know, big things happening this year. Yes. So you get ready that God is the, he is the Lord of the great transfer. Things are taking place.
The wealth of the wicked
was stirred up for the righteous, righteous. So Believe me, if you do not think the enemy has stolen you, look again, from health to wealth, even he steals the word. The scripture says in Matthew chapter 13 and 14, that when the word is sown, the enemy comes and steals the word. If he can still that that's the greatest wealth.
It's the word of God. He tries to steal from us and hide from us. And blind from us because we are to live by that word. His word that everything that besiege from the mouth of God. Yep. We live by that. So when God is speaking to his prophets, that's his word. That's his word. We to live by it. Oh my God, Lord.
I just, yeah. And so I want also want you guys to write down the scriptures. We were talking about peter being the church was praying for peter while he was in prison That was acts chapter 12 I want you guys to read acts chapter 12 and get that vision And get that vision on the inside of you what god did when peter was at that moment in time when he was in prison Then go to acts chapter 16 or sorry acts chapter 27.
I think it's acts chapter I think it's 26 acts chapter 26 when you have paul and silas So you have both Acts chapter 2 and then Acts chapter 26. with Paul and Silas. I'm going to have to, I'm pretty sure it is. But I'll have to go back. I think it is. Hold on a minute. It's yeah, it's sorry. Acts 16, Acts 16.
Sorry. I said, I met 16. I said 26. So Acts chapter 12, Acts chapter 16, read what God did with Peter. And now Peter had the church praying for him and interceding on his behalf. And guess what? That's when he was broken free from prison and that's when the prison the person who was holding him there, that's when he became born again.
And then you also have Paul and Silas, how when they were praying and praising. Even in the midst of their darkest hour, even the midst of the face of death, they were praising and worshiping God. And he came in with an earthquake. It was not no normal natural earthquake. It was a supernatural earthquake and it shook that prison and it made him open up.
Paul and Silas were set free. So again, there is different examples of what God does when we're in prison or when we're in Cal captive by our enemy, we may not be in a physical, a prison cell. We could be in a spiritual one in multiple different levels and multiple different ways of captivity. And God is saying, this is what you do.
We've been giving you tons of information today and tons of confirmations today of what God is saying today in the midst of what all we're saying and what we can do about it, but none of it. It's sulking, feeling sorry for ourselves, talking about all the problems, going through all this and saying, whoa, is us.
It's not. We should be celebrating. God is our vindicator and God is on the move. And just like you saw in that vision with that one, two, three punch, that third punch is that TKO. It is that total knock out because that's what God does to the enemies of almighty God. It says in Hebrews chapter two and verse 14, he's brought them to nothing.
I would say he's knocking them out and he's bringing them to nothing. Ooh, don't you, don't you feel, let me tell you something. Julie always gives, I love it, she always, she gives it, backs it up with the scriptures, the word of God, and this is so powerful, you know, I, and I'm, Saints continue to pray and support Julie Greene's ministry.
She has been sent by God for our generation. Okay, I've always supported her ministry, even when people didn't know she had a ministry. That's the best way to say it. Yeah, you're right. Because listen to me, I don't care what anybody says. She didn't ask me to say it. I'm saying it. She's the real deal. Okay, she's the real deal.
And there's platforms. God will get you into boom, boom, boom, boom. You let the Lord use you. Just like we talked about what took place with Paul in Asylum. Paul went from a street ministry to a prison ministry to a house ministry within 48 hours. But guess what it was accomplished. Okay. Yeah. But the reason I'm saying this is because New wine is coming.
Yep. Lord, I'm ready. I want that new wine skin. Why do we have to have new wine skin? Because so the new anointing will not bust when God increasing you. He also what strengthens you and reinforces things. And that new wine is to prepare for what God is about to do. Amen. Because the old ways won't handle it.
We cannot go off of our last year's anointing. It's a new anointing this year, a fresh anointing. Amen. Amen. So he wants to prepare you for that saints. And I know you're receiving this. And so I thank God for Julie Green's ministry. And Julie, I want to thank you. Your schedule is, you know, it's, I know how tight it can, it can get for, you know, you know, allowing me to come in and to speak the word to, to, to the saints of God, and I really think that, you know, God brings people together.
He, you don't even know they even exist. Yeah. I had no idea there was a Julie Greene on earth until the day that, that, you know, until it's just, well, that's a long story, but I'm gonna worry about it, but it's just that I, you know, I'm from California. You know, she and I just feel so bad because I didn't even realize that state even existed.
I'm so sorry. Iowa? Yeah. I just, I just, I go, where is it? I go, where is it? I can't even find it on here. I'm looking. We're in the middle of the map. Yeah, and it's not this big state and it's just that. In Iowa. You would think Texas or Florida or New York or maybe you know, a known Ohio or Iowa. And that's how God is.
He's like, you know, a state that nobody really thinks about. Pretty much. You know, at least I didn't, you don't ever hear about it on the news. Well, we are though. I will tell you though, and tell, you know, I guess next year, but we are the first state that has primaries for the election really always starts in Iowa.
I think Biden was trying to change that to either New Hampshire or South Carolina or something. But Iowa has been the first state for primary and. I know how many years, 20, 30, maybe it's been a long time. We had the Iowa basic skills test for school because we had the best education for the longest time in the state.
So there are good things that come out of this state. Yeah. Yeah. No, I'm not saying anything bad. Okay. I'm not saying anything. It's just that, you know I, I, I was, I was looking, so, so Julie clarify everything that was so good. Yeah, I guess you got to cry a little bit anyway. Nobody knows their state better than the person that resides in it.
Like, you know, when people say things about California, I go, well, no, this things are happening. So, but this is good. You're going to see a lot of people that are not walking with God going bye bye, you know, going bye bye. And, and the reason why it's because, you know, their time is short. Jesus. Jesus speaks that in the Word of God in Revelation.
Julie, I think you said it. Their time is short. Okay. Short live. And, and, and so it's, it's upon us. Every day is a day. Lord, have your way with me. Have your way with me. Amen. Have your way. Your will be done. And, and, and this is something that the Lord has been dealing with me. And it's like, it's, it's a new thing with me, but it's, it's a wonderful thing.
And he said, you know, share it with the saints. Let me tell you something, allow God, allow the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, allow God to establish his word.
He says, I want to establish my, my promises on seriously, many of you have received private words, dreams, visions, things that God wants to do. And I saw this overwhelming prophecy, different prophecies around the world that was spoken to many of you saints, not just our nation, but individually. And the Lord says.
Release that word. I said, so, so, I said, Lord, well, how do you want me to release it? Because a lot of times God will give me something and I don't know how to pray that prayer. Because it's so different. What do I do, Lord? And so this is what he says. Pray for my saints this year that my word on their life will be established.
And I go, wow. And he says, well, what does that mean? In my American thought, I'm thinking this, Julie. Okay, Lord, I will be done. He said, no, that's not what it means, my son. I go, what? That's what I was taught. And then, you know, he says, this is what it means. When I say, Lord, let thy word be established, I'm asking the Lord to move whatever needs to be removed that's hindering it.
I'm asking the Lord to do whatever needs to be done in me that his word can be established. So, therefore, there will be a period of uncomfortability, but that's good. His word is going to be established. And in 1 Samuel, We all know it when Saul was appointed to be king. He had a very short live of victory, but he was so disobedient.
Samuel told Saul, why didn't you wait for me? I did wait. No, he didn't. He says, you went ahead of me. He says, your kingdom would have been established forever, but now it won't be. Walking in disobedience. Moving forward, second Samuel, during the time of David. The scripture says David knew that God had established his kingdom for the sake of Israel.
Anytime God's going to establish you and I, it's because other people are going to be blessed from it. And you don't ever want to leave this earth where God was not able to establish his word in you. And so I release this right now. I released it, that may the Lord establish his word in your life. May you allow him to establish the spoken words spoken over your life.
May the word of God be established over Julie Queen's ministry, over the viewers of her ministry. May everything be established according to thy word. Let it be established over the saints! Over this ministry, over my life, over those things that God has spoken in the midst of the night, in the midst of the day.
Through visions, through dreams, through prophecy. Let not the enemy win. Let everything be established. Amen. Thank you, Julie. Amen. Well, thank you for being on I enjoyed it and I think that all of our viewers enjoyed it, too so thank you for joining today's live show and Seriously Manny, I just you guys go to a mega praise ministries comments.
We can find Manny I also have the links in the description box where you can go to his YouTube channel as well So you have his YouTube channel in the description box along with MegaPraiseMinistries. com along with his website. So go check out Manuel Johnson. So again And Julie Green has a, she has a hat too, okay?
Yes, I do! She's not a hat person. She's not a hat person. I got that. I got it. I got that, you know. I can deal with that. Here, I'll get my hat. Hold on. I'll get my hat to sign on.
There we go. See, all right guys, please take a, take, take a, take a shot right now because I'm gonna tell you something. Certain things are historic.
Julie, I'm gonna be honest with you. You just, I'm telling you, don't you see look 21 right now? Doesn't she look 21? You know, right now she's, I think she's about 25, but doesn't she look 21? Get your glory. They have saints. So we're in celebration mode. I'm serious. We are in celebration mode. And I'm not kidding you, they're, they're, they're, they're, they're anointed and appointed.
I'm not in the hat business. I'm not, believe me. I can, you can ask my wife. I like taco, fish tacos, but the Lord spoke to me. It was so, I have never, he spoke to me. He says, be sure to do it according to what you saw. In the vision. I go, wow. And everywhere we go, I get people all the time. Even Julie's seen it in her meetings.
Glory day has somebody, you know, somebody's worried because they, you know, so it's like, it's an unknown and appointed time glory days for you. And I, and I mean it, but I always think Julie green. I don't tell you something continue to pray for her ministry. Okay. Support her ministry. This is good soil.
Listen to me. This is good soil. All righty. I know bad soil. This is good soil. All righty. All righty. So this is good soil. They do what they say they do. They pray for you guys. They pray. They release an anointing. And I know there's been powerful testimonies that have come out of that. And so they, Take this is good pride, pride, and to praying for over the viewers so she didn't say it.
I'm saying it. Send your prayer request in and believe, believe for that breakthrough. Because now, you know, you, we got a team of heaven. Now you got to, you got Julie's team and they meet up with God and the host of heaven and believing for your miracles. Okay. Because what's a good nation that's thriving.
If you're not thriving also. Yeah. Come on. We, we, we, we want to be part of that celebration. Lord, I thank you. Woo! Amen. So go to MegaPraiseMinistries. com and get your Glory Days hats. So, again, I just want to say God loves you. We love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.
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