11 months ago

Check out this Brit's shock at learning one of the Ukrainian refugees who lived with her was bothered that Britain is home to many Muslims, Africans and Asians.

This would be surprising if the world weren't already given a dose of some of the racism evidently present in the eastern European country back in February 2022 at the start of the war with Russia. African migrants were blocked from boarding trains to safety, while Ukrainian Deputy Chief Prosecutor David Sakvarelidze expressed horror at the violence exacted on people with 'blond hair and blue eyes.' Others quoted in the media said they were shocked, as they were used to only seeing non-white people fleeing a war zone.

As Britain works to deport asylum seekers from countries that European powers have exploited, underdeveloped and invaded, it has offered British citizens anywhere between £350 and £500 a month to host Ukrainian refugees. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak also recently agreed to journalist Piers Morgan's bet during an hour-long television interview that he would have refugees out of the country by the next general election.

Have a watch, and let us know what you make of this.

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