Is Disease Man-Made? By Whom? 27-Feb-2024

1 year ago

The truth is being presented for a second time. We need to catch it this time. Disease today has been created in order to control humans. Someone figured out more than 140 years ago that if humans are fed nutritionally deficient diets the become sick. The Rockefellers & Carnegies of the world decided to create a Harmaceutical industry to keep humans sick and sell them lots of stuff that never cures the disease, fully enslaving mankind to disease and the cost to repair the damage caused by simply removing access to as much as any one of the 90 essential nutrients.
Charging for health care is against Gods law. Jesus never charged nor expected any payment for his curing of people.
We should run these heretics out of the temple under threat of a whip as did Jesus.
Demand Health Care and Demand that it be provided free of charge.

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