Update on Shedding: Never-ending Side Effects?

1 year ago

The MSM used to ridicule us for information we shared. Now they regularly report the same information. None will admit it, but we were correct back then. They are late to the game.

Florida State Surgeon General Calls for Halt in the Use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. January 03, 2024

Pierre Kory full interview

Spike protein persistence




DNA contamination


2015 FDA Guidance document: “The release of viral or bacterial gene therapy products from the patient by any or all of the following routes: feces (feces); secretions (urine, saliva, nasopharyngeal fluids, etc.); or through the skin (pustules, lesions, sores).” The products (i.e. spike protein) are known to be shed via either the synthetic lipid covered nanoparticles or via enclosure within endogenous nanoparticle sized “exosomes” from a vaccinated/boosted person, to another, regardless of their vaccination status. Our impression is that aerosolized particles conveyed via exhalation and inhalation are the primary route of transmission.

Dr Kory’s Substack series on the topic provides insight into the scientific basis of shedding as an observed adverse effect of the mRNA vaccines. Shedding of Covid mRNA - Part 1

mRNA Circulates at Least 28 Days after Injection

How long synthetic mRNA circulates in the body – 60 days in lymph nodes

Duration of spike-induced injuries as a proxy for risk. [Dr. McCullough] reports the damage is long-lasting, “only 20% had resolved their abnormalities at over six months. Other, early cases that weren’t resolved continue to show evidence of spike protein lingering 2 years after initial exposure.

National Nanotechnology Initiative Specifically Speaks of Covid 19 Bioweapons As "Nano Technology Enabled" And Plans Many More Nanotechnological "Vaccines"
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PHD

Danish study published January 2023 in the Journal of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology, headlined “SARS-CoV-2 spike mRNA Vaccine Sequences Circulate In Blood Up to 28 Days After Covid-19 Vaccination.”

Many of us who have worked with vaccine-injured patients suspect that the COVID-19 vaccine can persist for an extremely long time in their bodies (which makes it quite challenging to treat them). One of the best points of evidence for this theory is autopsy studies of suspected vaccine-related deaths where spike proteins were found throughout the tissues months after their vaccination…. The mRNA is changing the DNA of cells, causing them to begin to permanently producing spike proteins. Research has now shown that mRNA alters the DNA of cells, but it is not clear if this change is enough to cause significant and sustained spike protein production throughout the body.

These studies likewise have found the presence of spike proteins in the tissues (e.g., in a death which occurred 4 months after vaccination). Although very few autopsy studies have been done in this area (due to the political risks of challenging the vaccine program), a few brave pathologists in Germany were nonetheless able to compile data to substantiate these claims.

Both the virus and synthetic LNP-mRNA platforms distribute systemically and target leucocytes and vascular endothelial linings and plaques, with persistent expression of 6 months to 3 years being indicated.

PET scans have revealed that mRNA shot induced heart damage is in fact very common. Post shot or infection induced chronic inflammation may persist for years…. Synthetic spike protein persistence in myocardium for at least 180 days:

Prevalence of Increased FDG PET/CT Axillary Lymph Node Uptake Beyond 6 Weeks after mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination” (2021)

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