Business Podcast | Why You Must Make It Your Mission to Live Below Your Means If You Want to Achieve Your Dreams + How to Build a Profitable & Scalable Business Model + Celebrating the Long-Time Client Success Story

11 months ago

Business Podcast | Why You Must Make It Your Mission to Live Below Your Means If You Want to Achieve Your Dreams + How to Build a Profitable & Scalable Business Model + Celebrating the Long-Time Client Success Story

Alright, it’s DAY #4 on our journey together as I teach you the proven processes and success strategies you need to learn in order to greatly increase how much you earn! However, you must master this skill and you must master this skill TODAY if you want to achieve massive success. You must develop the habit of saving money and the love for saving money! Most entrepreneurs and business people get very excited when you start talking about their vision, branding, marketing, logos, social media advertising and wealth, however very few people get excited about saving money and living below your means!

NOTABLE QUOTABLE - “The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between the two is living fully and just existing.” - Michael Gerber (Thrivetime Show Podcast guest and the best-selling author of the E-Myth Revisited

You must get genuinely excited about saving money if you ever wish to achieve MASSIVE financial freedom and success. When I was growing my first business, I literally tried to live as cheaply as possible. I drove a 1989 hatchback Ford Escort. I ate the 4 for $1 dollar yogurts from Walmart and the Budget Gourmet (a contradiction in terms) Chicken Panini meals found in the frozen food section at Walmart for nearly every meal. My wife and I chose to turn off our air conditioning and our heat in our apartment so that we could save money and buy the sound equipment, lighting equipment and advertising materials we needed to grow

NOTABLE QUOTABLE - “Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.” - Warren Buffett (Warren Edward Buffett is an American businessman, investor, and philanthropist who currently serves as the co-founder, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. As a result of his immense investment success, Buffett is one of the best-known investors in the world. As of January 2024, he had a net worth of $122 billion, making him the tenth-richest person in the world.)

I didn’t have a rich cousin, a wealthy investor, a bank, a government grand or some magical financial solution to start and grow However, I did choose to live below my means and I chose to not buy things that I could not afford to impress people that I did not know. Stay focused, keep it simple and choose to live below your means if you want to achieve your dreams.

NOTABLE QUOTABLE - “If you cannot save money, the seeds of greatness are not in you.” - W. Clement Stone (W. Clement Stone was born in Chicago, Illinois, on May 4, 1902. His father died in 1905 leaving his family in debt. In 1908 he hawked newspapers on the South Side of Chicago while his mother worked as a dressmaker. By 1915 he owned his own newsstand. In 1918 he moved to Detroit to sell casualty insurance for his mother. Stone dropped out of high school to sell insurance full-time. He received a diploma from the YMCA Central High School in Chicago. He took courses at Detroit College of Law (now, Michigan State University College of Law) and Northwestern University. Much of what is known about Stone comes from his autobiography The Success System That Never Fails.[2] In that book, he tells of his early business life, which started with selling newspapers in restaurants. At the time, this was a novel thing to do, a departure from the typical practice of boys hawking newspapers on street corners.)

In what areas of your life can you dramatically decrease your spending starting now?
Food? ________________________________________________________________
Going Out to Eat? _______________________________________________________
Entertainment? _________________________________________________________
Vacations? ____________________________________________________________
Your Cable / Internet Bill? _________________________________________________
Car Payments? _________________________________________________________
What is an expense that you can reduce starting now so that you can afford to save the money needed to achieve success? _______________________________

NOTABLE QUOTABLE - “A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.” - Dave Ramsey (Financial guru, New York Times best-selling author and the host of the Dave Ramsey Show.)

I am going to repeat this to you EVERYDAY because it is SUPER IMPORTANT that you know this to be true. SUCCESS IS NOT NORMAL. Remember, Inc. Magazine reports that 96% of businesses will fail within 10 years, which means that only 4% of 2.69% of the overall population will become successful by default. To look at it another way:

FACT #1 - 9,049,862 are self-employed in America
FACT #2 - 361,994 are successful self-employed people in America out of a population of 336,110,923.
FACT #3 - By default and without implementing the proven processes and success strategies I am teaching in this book, you have approximately a 1 out 999 chance of succeeding in America today.

Now back to that meat only eating thing, called the Carnivore Diet. Yesterday, I interviewed the inventor of The Carnivore Diet, Doctor Shawn Baker and I am now more convinced than ever that I am going to only eat meat for these next 30 days. Thus far, I’m down 4.5 pounds in days and all I am eating is meat. Moderation causes mediocrity and not going all-in creates a whole life of half-assness in business and in every other area of life. The most challenging thing about being on the Carnivore Diet for the past 72 hours is to continue to remember, no sweeteners, no fruit, just meat.

Much like choosing to live below your means, choosing to eat only meat might not be the most fun thing in the world, but it is effective. Knowing that there are simply 4 steps to successfully implementing the EXTREME and proven path to successful weight loss on the Carnivore Diet is mind-freeing and incredible!!!
STEP 1 - Only eat meat
STEP 2 - Only drink coffee or water
STEP 3 - Don’t eat anything other than meat
STEP 4 - Don’t drink anything other than coffee or water.

NOTABLE QUOTABLE - “If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else. Pray like it all depends on God, but work like it all depends on you.” - Dave Ramsey (Financial guru, New York Times best-selling author and the host of the Dave Ramsey Show.)

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