Funny car crashes New Collections

1 year ago

1. Make a ZIP from your clips
2. Upload it on and copy the link or let it send a mail.
3. Send me a Mail at with the Link, your name and where the videos are made
4. Wate ;)

📣📣📣Ihr wollt eure Clips einsenden? So geht es:📣📣📣

1. Packt eure Clips in eine ZIP Datei
2. Geht auf wählt eure ZIP aus und kopiert den erzeugten Link oder lasst die Email schicken.
3. Schickt mir eine Email an mit dem Link und schreibt mir noch euren Namen und wo die Videos entstanden sind.

Das hochladen ist auch über Dropbox möglich. Auch hier den öffentlichen Link kopieren und mir mailen.
In these type of videos Im trying to show situations on the roads which are for educational purposes, so the drivers can learn from other mistakes, not their own.

We do NOT own the video materials and all credits belong to respectful owners. In case of copyright issues, please contact us immediately for further credits or clip delete.

This Car Crash Compilation show you car crashes in the winter in russia (February 2020). Enjoy watching. Drive safely and keep yourself and others safe.

In these type of videos Im trying to show situations on the roads which are for educational purposes, so the drivers can learn from other mistakes, not their own.

We do NOT own the video materials and all credits belong to respectful owners. In case of copyright issues, please contact us immediately for further credits or clip delete.

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