The Jewish WAR Against Americans

10 months ago

They always KNEW that unless THEY conquered US first, they would NEVER be able to AFFORD nor Achieve the[ir] END GAME. And so, they ATTCKED US and have turned OUR own nation AGAINST US to protect & serve THEIR dream.
“In rape the psychological harm usually far exceeds the physical injury. The trauma of rape, like that of combat, involves minimal fear of death or injury; far more damaging is the impotence, shock, and horror in being so hated and despised as to be debased and abused by a fellow human being.”
[Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, On Killing, Revised edition, 2009, Sec. Winds of Hate]

"If it were really the case that [*Wo]men could be deprived of their natural rights so utterly as never to have any further influence on [*political] affairs, expect with the permission of the holders of sovereign right, it would then be possible  to maintain with impunity the most violent tyranny, which, I suppose, not one would for an instant admit."
[The Chief Works of Benedict de Spinoza, Vol. 1, translated/intro by R.H.M. Elwes, 1951, Theologico-political Treatise, Ch. XVII, Of The Hebrew Theocracy] [*brackets added by Tim Caffery, 2019]

"Then we must deprive him of the seeming.** For if he is going to be thought just he will have honours and gifts because of that esteem. We cannot be sure in that case whether he is just for justice' sake or for the sake of the gifts and the honours. So we must strip him bare of everything but justice and make his state the opposite of his imagined counterpart.* Though doing no wrong he must have the repute of the greatest injustice, so that he may be put to the test as regards justice through not softening because of ill repute and the consequences thereof. But let him hold on his course unchangeable even unto death, seeming all his life to be unjust though being just, that so, both men attaining to the limit, the one of injustice, the other of justice, we may pass judgement which of the two is the happier."....

For the height of injustice * is to seem just without being so. To the perfectly unjust man, then, we must assign perfect injustice and withhold nothing of it, but we must allow him, while committing the greatest Wrongs, to have secured for himself the greatest reputation for justice; and if he does happen to trip,*' we must concede to him the power to correct his mistakes by his ability to speak persuasively if any of his misdeeds come to light, and when force is needed, to employ force by reason of his manly spirit and vigour and his provision of friends and money ; and when we have set up an unjust man of this character, our theory must set the just man at his side—a simple and noble man, who, in the phrase of Aeschylus, does not wish to seem but be good....

We must tell it, then ; and even if my language is somewhat rude and brutal,'' you must not suppose, Socrates, that it is I who speak thus, but those who commend injustice above justice. What they will say is this : that such being his disposition the just man -will have to endure the lash, the rack, chains, the branding-iron in his eyes, and finally, after every extremity of suffering, he will be crucified,*' and so will learn his lesson that not to be but to seem just is what we ought to desire."

[The Republic, Plato, Book 2]

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