Vallejo Police Use of deadly force Ex

1 year ago

Another American-nightmare in Vallejo California. The unseen eminent threat facing Off Tonn pointing a gun from a crouching knee position is nowhere to be seen yet a team of three use of force experts hired by AG Rob Bonta concludes insufficient evidence to charge Swat off. Jarrett Tonn for an unlawful shooting death of Sean Monterrosa. Monterrosa had no gun, a hammer that was in his pocket was mistakenly thought to be a gun by Tonn the other off in the truck with Tonn off. Pittman I thought his cell phone was a gun, Driver Wagoner didn’t see a gun but thought he was reaching for a one. BWC Disputes their version of the shooting. The one important thing that is missing from this entire incident, statement’s, Evidence & investigation is that in the final analysis the fleeing truck SEEN in the BWC in Tonn’s BACKDROP / LINE OF FIRE is “INVISIBLE” WE SEE NOTHING WE NO NOTHING. We have no choice but to not trust Vallejo Police reports, investigation and Rob Bonta’s UOF experts reports. BWC clearly shows Tonn was Shooting at a moving target going left not a stationary crouching target. Windshield Evid. Fleeing truck bullet Trajectory Drone footage Drone witnesses were either Destroyed compromised or omitted. This is all In plain sight.

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