Robert_QSentMe Gets Following To Sign Bogus Isaac Kappy FBI Petition - When Logic Fails

11 months ago

Robert_QSentMe (aka RobertTheDeplorable aka survivor12345 aka Please StopThePedos) gets his following to sign a petition to the FBI he didn't even read... he also signs it himself without so much as taking the time to read it.

Who does this kind of thing? ... You would hope that someone trying to get you to sign a petition would at least have read it themselves... but no... Robert apparently didn't think that was important.... Excuse my French but THATS some serious Brain Damage.

When it comes to the QAnon Death Cult... there are no rules... there is no sense nor rhyme to what they do.... You would think after ALL THESE YEARS they would have figured it out by now... but amazingly enough.. there are STILL people today that believe this utter nonsense.

Now its one thing to show interest in pushing the authorities to investigate a very peculiar death... that of Isaac Kappy... and then there is another to just flat out and blindly 'poke in the dark' hoping something comes to fruition.... QAnon Cultists apparently lack the one ability that could save them.... reasoning.

The Petition:

Who signed the petition (totally worth a look):


Please StopThePedos

Undeniable Evidence Isaac Kappy Was NOT Alone
(as seen in the HBO/VICE Docuseries QAnon.The.Search.for.Q.S01E02)

Isaac Kappy Suicide Dispatch Bellemont Flagstaff Coconino County Arizona
with Enhanced Audio (the missing transmissions)

Isaac Kappy Found Dead - Bellemont Arizona - DPS Body Cams - 2019-05-13

My YouTube
My Odysee
My Rumble

** For Documentation and Education Purposes Only
*** In no way should this be used to harass or bully anyone

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