Allie Beth Stuckey: A Christian Perspective on In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

11 months ago

"If we believe, as Christian pro-lifers, that these humans are made in the image of God... Then we shouldn't be treating these little human beings like this." ~Allie Beth Stuckey

There has been a lot of buzz recently about in-vitro fertilization (IVF) in the wake of a recent Alabama state supreme decision which declared that frozen human embryos are human beings and are entitled to civil rights protections.

Now, there is no doubt that IVF has been a blessing to many women who have had fertility problems. Thanks to this wonderful medical technology there have been more than one million babies born in the U.S. using IVF – that’s approximately 60K babies born annually.

We celebrate these precious lives!

However, as Allie Beth Stuckey points out in this short video segment, Christians must pause to think deeply about the downside to IVF treatments.

Have we thought biblically about the ethics of creating dozens of human embryos knowing that more than 60 percent of them will either be miscarried or discarded?

If we believe that life begins at conception, and we know that an embryo is the initial stage of life, we should be concerned at how some -- including the corporate media -- is spinning this issue.

After all, each one of us started our lives as an embryo. The callous disregard of frozen human embryos is a pro-life issue that we should care about.

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