How to Memorize Fast and Easily | How to remember things easily

11 months ago

How to Memorize Anything | How to remember things easily

Do you want to learn how to memorize anything quickly? Then you need to learn the method loci. This will teach you how to remember things easily. Using the principles of Dominic O'Brien you can learn how to memorize fast and easily and you’ll be able to learn how to memorize what you studied. Learn how to memorize vocabulary will be a breeze. The three principles to memory by Dominic O’Brian is Association, Location and Imagination. By learning the peg system you’ll be able to memorize numbers easily, dates, birthday, credit cards and even learn how to memorize a speech or the meorize the periodic table. You will truly memorize 10x faster

The method of loci is sometimes called a memory palace. I have been using these memory techniques for a over a decade. Some of my favourite uses of them is to memorize a deck of cards, remembering my passwords or simply remember what my date has told me.

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