"CIA built huge anti russian spy network"

7 months ago

[picture] screen capture show how was start on week seven in youtube negative groups been communicate release propaganda lies all that difinfo wronginfo mislead plan for population mass murder was been already made also all uploads been before was release shown to public, public can read message from between lines when is symbolic or numerology or astrology NONE ON THAT NOT REAL THING, ALL THATS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE NOT NATURAL NOR PEOPLE REAL FUTURE FROM ON MOMENT FULL DISCLOSURE FORWARD

"Did Russian SpecOps Thwart A Ukrainian Assassination Attempt on Tucker Carlson?"

"False Flag Event! Kansas City Super Bowl Victory Parade on Valentines Day."

[note] VATICAN FLAG HAVE KEY WHATS FITS INTO 'CRISIS SOLUTIONS', once again michael jaco been block real info 'because bad for business', michael jaco needs to be take down removed sooner when not understand stop block out real info when others share not important for michael jaco group who are still mislead people population with sell products services business gold silver what not real solution on vaxxed poisoned toxic situation on what only highest help matter not lightworkers patriots missions what people pay support to lightworkers patriots how even they share not real good enough on situation on slow down others own wake up process with all information level aka low frequency what not ready move forward without forced world peace, know supersoldiers not have rights, they been trained with people tax drugs moneys what been wasted losed moneys, people still pay support they missions to have enterntainment level intels information remote views, not wonder supersoldiers been seen they own death on they own remote views when been forget was already get second change when was already monent go before, people not been get own second change yet but people still pay buy support superslaves products services whats keep people suffer longer on space program level manipulation soul traps via follow DNA manipulation victims aka all fallen ones who was let they physical mental manipulation happen already whats soul trap past life memories kundalini experiences CIA version new age total absolute bullshit benefits only from people free will situation even not real help for people, michael jaco also still allow he own share goes into wrong hands collect moneys for second hands middle hands wrong hands how people enemy gets still money from michael jaco grew share makes people suffer longer, michael jaco been say not care how people gets he share, now still people gets he share with ways kills people, thats all money scam where people buy low frequency traps into own life why how people still dies, thats too many mistakes already, to sell old info as new with delay also ask set price for info is scam, real info should all ready paid also all free or do better not share that when not pay own share make all free care how people gets share, thats all already minus effect from sell hopioids not been even give free hopioids, not all only old informations also idea what lightworkers patriots easily sells for people population is after justice after judgement aka revenge whats not real justice nor real judgement as was tell thats too many mistakes only misleading how why is good better best not happen faster sooner quicker or how why all happen only on same one moment once when all steps been skipped on with all delays


"'Dangers thinking' [be realistic not thinker]"


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