Canadian Doctors Admit Covid Booster Shot Paralyzed Woman…Offer To Euthanize Her To 'Make Up For It'

6 months ago

Government Is Not Your Friend: Vaccines, Mandates, and the Dangers of Government Healthcare: I've written about Canada's 'medical assistance in dying' (MAID) program in the past, both in the context of Minnesota considering legislation on assisted suicide, as well as the Canadian PM who says the program that kills people is an 'overwhelming success' that 'enhances freedom.' Now we have another horror story out of Canada and its MAID program: Canadian Doctors Admit Covid ‘Booster’ Shot Paralyzed Woman, Offer to Euthanize Her to ‘Make Up for It’ From Slay News: Canadian doctors have admitted that a Covid “booster” shot from Moderna is responsible for a young Ontario woman now being paralyzed for the rest of her life. 37-year-old mother Kayla Pollock is now paralyzed from the neck down after receiving the mRNA injection and says her life has become a “living hell.”

According to a report from The Liberty Daily, however, doctors have offered to “make up for it” by euthanizing the young mom. The doctors suggested that Pollock should apply for Canada’s controversial Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) program and said they would help her application get accepted. -- Wow. Thankfully, according to one media outlet, Pollock has refused these offers and is suing Moderna for $45 million: -- Donations have poured in from all around the world to help Kayla obtain a service dog and a wheelchair-accessible vehicle. On February 22, 2024, a lawsuit seeking $45 million in damages was filed on behalf of Kayla against Moderna. The claim seeks physical, emotional, and psychological damages, loss of past and future income, future cost of care, pain and suffering, as well as aggravated and punitive damages.

Kayla is a 37-year-old Ontario woman and mother whose life has become a living hell after a Moderna booster shot left her paralyzed. Her medical records confirm a link between her paralysis and the Moderna booster shot. An audio recording between Kayla and her neurologist reveals he believed her paralysis was caused by the vaccine. In the recording, he tells her that it's his "gut impression" it was caused by the vaccine, and he mentions seeing this happen to "many" people. On two occasions, Kayla was offered medically assisted death as a way to escape her paralyzing situation, but she refused. Kayla encounters difficulties securing the essential items for a basic, everyday life. In response, an organization called Veterans for Freedom has launched a fundraiser to collect funds, aiming to provide her with the necessary support. A link to the fundraiser is below. -- Just incredible.

I'm old enough to remember when euthanizing the disabled was something only evil Nazis did. Is this what a 'successful' program looks like? Pollock does not have a terminal condition, like cancer. She is disabled. From a vaccine the government pressured -- and sometimes forced -- people to take. I argued, and I will continue to argue, against the dangers of government-run healthcare and the slippery slope of assisted suicide. The numbers from Canada don't lie. What started as a program, ostensibly, for those with terminal illnesses has turned into a catch all that, frankly, exterminates people for things like poverty, homelessness, and eating disorders. It is now the third leading cause of death in Canada, behind only cancer and heart disease. And a quarter of Canadians think it should be used on the poor. Josef Mengele to the white courtesy phone. Pollock is 37-years-old. Yes, she will need lifelong care after getting a vaccine for a disease with a 99% survival rate.

But that's the problem when the government provides you with 'free' healthcare: when your care becomes too expensive, they look to reduce those costs. Putting you in the ground is the best way to do that, and the people doing this won't lose one wink of sleep. -- Canada: where your wait time to see a doctor is 6 weeks to 8 months, but you can get same-day service for pressure to kill yourself. Exactly this. Throughout the pandemic, people reporting vaccine injuries ranging from mild to severe and debilitating. No one is being held accountable for it. Well, not yet, anyway: I'm going to lay down the marker here: when Trump is the nominee, this will become an issue and the Left will try to paint him as the villain for Operation Warp Speed, despite the Left being the ones who wanted to deny the unvaccinated health care and, in some cases, arrest us or take away our children.

Remember that Biden mandated, or tried to, the vaccine for tens of millions of Americans, saying 'our patience [was] wearing thin.' For an administration that argues they support a woman's right to choose, he sure wanted to deny that to millions of women. Millions of women just like Pollock: young, healthy, fit, mothers with families who rely on them. And when something bad happens, Biden -- and the rest of the government -- will shrug and wash their hands of the mess they created. They do it time and time again. Not just vaccines, but immigration (look at Laken Riley), the economy and any other issue: we're useful tools until we aren't, and then we're forgotten. Or worse, told to off ourselves as the 'solution', which is something our neighbors to the north have embraced, with almost religious fervor. Thankfully, we in America are not there. Yet. Make sure we never are.

Slay News: Canadian Doctors Admit Covid ‘Booster’ Shot Paralyzed Woman, Offer to Euthanize Her to ‘Make Up for It’
UK Daily Mail: Canada's euthanasia free-for-all gets wilder: A quarter of people now back lethal injections for the POOR and homeless — critic slams 'shameful' attitude in world's most permissive program
Liberty Daily: Canadian Doctors Admit Covid “Vaccine” Left Woman Paralyzed, Offer to Euthanize Her to Make Up For It
Twitchy: Ghoul Alert: Canadian MP Says MAID Program Is 'Overwhelming Success' That 'Enhanced Freedom'
Twitchy: But Death Panels Aren't Real: MN State Democrats Hold Hearings on Assisted Suicide Legislation
Western Standard News: Ontario mother paralyzed after COVID booster refuses two offers of MAiD
GiveSendGo: Service Dog & Wheelchair Van for Kayla Pollock

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