Timid to Drive Your Factory Five to Its Limits?

1 year ago

We invite a guest (Jeff Kleiner) into the discussion about a recent thread on one of the facebook groups. Jeff gives his insight on what he thinks the owner should do to better acquaint himself with his new car.

The Factory Five Forum can be found here: https://thefactoryfiveforum.com/content.php

If you'd like to join a good, family oriented, well informed facebook group for Factory Five owners and others, here is a link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/251681411988299/

#shelbycobra #factoryfive #factoryfiveracing #fordmotorsport #fordracing #looktrailers

Link to the facebook thread: https://www.facebook.com/groups/8593001091/posts/10161374242191092/?comment_id=10161376688306092&notif_id=1708996415471947&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif

Copyright free music intro: Infraction by Vladimir Ershov

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