ICU Guide February 2024 Updated

7 months ago

Natural Essentials include learning, laughing, linking, logic, leaping (exercise), light, living well, loving others and of course the Lord. The USA and world needs an intensive care unit and TLC to fix the Lord's people. Love is the answer but it's hard to love people that want to make the world dangerous, profane and ugly.

The I.C.U. was compiled to help the healing and awakening. Keep praying people. The internet and multiple social media outlets and citizen journalists have helped to break the stranglehold that LAME STREAM DINOSAUR CONTROLLED MEDIA have had for decades. Obama removed the law that blocked propaganda. Since that law was overturned, the media is free to lie and edit videos, and distort and omit the facts. For example, did you know about the Yellow Vest Movement in Europe that civilians were murdered at for protesting the Fascist behavior of the Government? US news filters what you hear and. even edited President Trump's remarks.

Thankfully, many are rising up and saying NOT ON OUR WATCH! America is the last hope for the world left. If we go down, the world plunges into darkness. Ask not for who the bell tolls. It tolls for thee. Let's get ready for 911 Annual Memorial Festival Benefits happening across USA and everywhere around the world. It's going to be lit!

Warm wishes and happy celebrations!

Lori & Company

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