1 year ago


Source: DTBM
Sep 16, 2022
Now look at how much God has packed into these 21 verses. This is why we could study this book all our lives and never run out of new truths and blessings.

1. LESSONS FROM THE DEMONS’ LOCATION (9:1–2, NKJV) Then the fifth angel sounded: And I saw a star fallen from heaven to the earth. To him was given the key to the bottomless pit. 2 And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace. So the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit.

Questions a good student of the Bible would ask:
• Who is the fifth angel and why does he sound?
• Who is the star that falls from Heaven to Earth (he is referred to as a person by the next words “to him”)?
• Is there any reference to someone falling brightly and visibly from Heaven in other places in the Bible?
• Who has and can give out usage of the key to the bottomless pit? (Jesus in Rev. 1:17-18)
• What is the bottomless pit; and why was it originally designed by God? (remember Jesus saying that this place was prepared for the Devil and his angels)
• Did demons in Christ’s time ever refer to this abyss or bottomless pit? (they pleaded with Christ not to send them to the abyss)
• What is the purpose of alluding to this as being “like the smoke of a great furnace”? (note the similarity to Christ's descriptions of where the wicked will be cast after the final judgment, both are unquenchable fires)
Discover the Book Ministries (discoverthebook.org) is a partnership of people from everywhere John Barnett has ministered who help spread God's Word through taking the lessons already taught to a local church and making them available free of charge all over the USA and the World.

John Barnett founded DTBM, as a non-profit 501c3 Oklahoma incorporated, outreach ministry. Currently, DTBM is sending evangelistic and Bible teaching materials (books, study guides, CDs, radio shows, web-based materials) to 70+ countries around the world. HQ is in Tulsa but there are other locations we support for translation work (in Russia, Jordan, Brazil, Korea) and to produce daily broadcasts. Dr. John Barnett has been teaching the Word of God for 30+ years. Born and raised in Michigan, John has studied at Michigan State University, Bob Jones University (B.S., B.A., M.A., M. Div.), L'Abri Fellowship in Villars, Switzerland, & The Master's Seminary (faculty), Dallas Theological Seminary (D.Min).
Many Links @ Source in "About".

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