Article 4675 Video - Political Realism - Monday, February 26, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

11 months ago

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Article 4675 Video - Political Realism - Monday, February 26, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Of all the pernicious ideas and assumptions that Americans have unquestioningly imbibed, two bits of programming stand out above all the others.

The first indoctrinated idea-assumption that has to be weeded out like dandelions is the idea that our government is a democracy and that we run by majority rule.

No, thank you, that's the Other Guys.

If Mob Rule is what you want, toddle on down the street to the nearest District Assembly. They are the ones that rely on majority opinion. Not us.

Our Forefathers looked at democracy, its form, and its history, and they chose a republican form of government instead. What does that mean?

It means that we choose to protect the individual's rights and assets even against the group-think of the masses. It means that we don't care what 51% or 97% of the group-think is.

Instead, there is one supreme consideration -- preserving the sanctity of each one of us and protecting each one's property. And why is that?

Because we know that if we maintain that one standard, the rights and property of everyone in the group will be preserved.

Put bluntly, if we never allowed slavery to exist, there would be no danger of anyone being enslaved.

If we don't allow the existence of a Caste System, there's no danger of anyone being denigrated.

If we don't care what the majority of British Territorial U.S. Citizens think, we will never be suborned by another Officer of the King.

If we don't allow Political Lobbying Groups to choose our candidates for our public offices, we will never suffer fools in office.

There is a lot more I could say in the same vein.

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