Brandon Johnson WONT STOP the buses

1 year ago

We all have seen black Americans do as they usually do; blame everyone else for the reasons why the buses are coming. They know the truth! Now that Brandon Johnson is Mayor&Not WHITE, The Black's can't do anything but beg him to Stop something he won't stop because blacks refuse to stop being as the Merriam-Webster dictionary states{Black's are not doing their humanitarian responsibility of creating and raising good children} who want to work. They begged that Police carry body cameras and -are they sick as ever -that video proves blacks are nothing more than irresponsible, uneducated fools in the eye of the world. YouTube is publishing so many blacks getting jobs&less than a few weeks are stealing with cameras in their face. that sickness of that mental state of yelling in the camera<I didn't steal>when it's on cameras they did. this sickness is so bad that Brandon has to provide Chicago with migrants because corporations whom are mostly owned by everyone else but blacks don't want these people in their buildings in fear of great loss in investment and customers. My video is very detailed in the truth. Blacks are so far behind in earning and ownership that it will take over 100 years to catch up. they voted for their political enemy &now they will suffer at their own hands!

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