Cannabis Sativa - The Nomenclature Vs My Protocol - Answering Questions I get

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so I often get accused of either using Artificial intelligence WRITTING my content (if you seen my typos n been here a while you know that's funny) or of my work simply being restatements of current findings. indeed much of my work may mimic the findings of previous work, because I am using science, and they used...... SCIENCE. ergo coming to a similar conclusion doesn't mean I have copied anything, but it seems to got way over some people's head that independent work can arrive at the same conclusion or a more understood version of the conclusion currently held, and not be a total replication of the work that led there. let me describe the differences and similarities. when I came to the conclusion sativa is acting in Indica, I had no idea of the actual binomial nomenclature but since a troll wanted to use it against me, I learned it. join me. advoc8 always. meduc8 Daily. don't break the law whule your breakong the law.

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