MISSING 411 Sedona (1)

1 year ago

2024: MISSING 411 Update

Found out the area has the highest rate of people vanishing in the state which was ironically up top in the nation with Alaska. This was odd so the Verde Valley Vortex began to investigate as to what could possibly be causing people to just vanish. To date nobody has been able to solve the mystery, however, one of the vortex researchers has been on the trial of the giants for years.

Although the Verde Valley Vortex has shown the existence of the giants and showed where one of the undead is whose mark is on the front of the Phoenix cement plant, you won't hear anyone trying to help protect the people. What you do hear are the so-called professionals trying to mislead people away from the facts found even in the Holy Bible.

Discovering the hows and whys are important to protecting. However, someone does not want people to know the truth of places where people vanished and were turned into Man Corn.

(2) https://rumble.com/v4g330r-missing-411-sedona-2.html

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