Russell Bentley & Tony Maddox on The Dean Mackin Show - 26 February 2024

10 months ago

On today's show, Russell Bentley discusses breaking developments on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Later, Tony Maddox discusses risks for landholders under Western Australia's Aboriginal Heritage Act.

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Russell "Texas" Bentley, a military veteran was born in 1960 in Austin, Texas. A voracious reader, he grew up in the times of the Vietnam War and Civil Rights movement. He served in the US Army from 1981 to '84, but after the NATO attack on Yugoslavia, the Gulf War, 9/11, the attacks on Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya, when he saw the regime change operation in Kiev in 2014, he moved to Donetsk and joined the People’s Militia against the Kiev regime.

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Tony Maddox is a real estate agent in Toodyay, Western Australia. He has been accused under the State's Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act of disrupting an Indigenous Rainbow Serpent dreaming site by constructing a waterway crossing on his property. Tony faces a hefty fine and potential jail time.

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