"Necessary Entailments of Our Union With Christ", (Col 3:1-4), 2024-02-25, LCC

1 year ago

Join is as Pastor John Day delivers an epic sermon that from this day forward will forever be known as Thar service with the unusually long name (“Necessary Entailments of Our Union With Christ”). Taken from Colossians Chap 3: v1-4, this sermon was stellar in every single sense. The entire service epitomizes “exactly” what our old fashioned Pioneer Church strives to offer the fast paced world we live in. It’s no wonder a’tall why our pews are fast filling up with God fearing and God seeking folk.

As always, the music was beautiful, the children precious, and the fellowship entirely genuine.

*For those in a hurry, today’s sermon starts promptly at the 26minute / 28second mark.

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