A Dog's Journey

11 months ago

~ Supplemental Material ~

"The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better."

- George Orwell

Every State in America has its unique charms and aesthetic, where traveling to different parts of the country, can be just as enjoyable as going overseas. This is despite big corporations dominating the entire nation; where these box stores make many areas look the same.


New Jersey is best known as the "other Las Vegas," or "mini-Las Vegas," due to the casinos in Atlantic City. Most people within the region were familiar with the beauty of the Jersey shore but the cable television series that bore that name (December 3, 2009 - December 20, 2012); put it in the limelight. To discover more about the State, check out the link below:


Unfortunately, Jersey and the rest of America is plagued universally with a growing massive problem. This goes beyond the bland, predictable cloning of cities and towns because of mega-corporations but rather a perfect storm, that is impacting the average American, the same way as those living in third world countries.

A majority of which centers around a huge resource shortage. The biggest of which, is food. There's been a food shortage, as a result of various environmental factors, that's been going on for several years now. Add to it, the recent destruction of food processing facilities.

These events have been an underreported. Meaning that there has been news coverage about the situation but it hasn't been done in a fashion where it's been covered for weeks on end or all the news agencies covering it at the same time.

They are contributing factors, as to food prices being so high. An important resource to stay fully up to date, as to what's currently going on, is linked below:


It's a good idea to subscribe to the channel, this way you're in the position of having the most current information. With situations like these; it's vital to be on top of what's going on. In addition, looking over the channel to see everything that has gone on but don't bother with the same topics.

For example, you see material on food shortages; as you scroll through the channel; look at other material that has nothing to do with food shortages. What's past is past, it's important to know what's current, with all the various things covered on that channel. If one has the time, to get the full scope; that is the best for this situation, since time is of the essence.

Food prices being high, is part of the contributing problem to the next issue: inflation and its ramifications. According to the news, we aren't in a recession but there are a large number of Americans that are struggling to pay for basic necessities.



People who are considered middle class, are now living paycheck to paycheck. There are resources that can help individuals.


The link above; the video shows how grave the situation has gotten for some but in the "Supplemental Material" section, there are a wealth of resources for those looking for assistance.

The current economic situation has created financial instability, not just for individuals but the banking industry. There already have been numerous banks that have closed as a result. To make the best financial decisions, it's important to subscribe to the next link:


What most people aren't aware of, after the aftermath of the "Great Recession" (2007 - 2009); a law was passed, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Act (2010); where a bank can choose to keep it's customers money to "bail-in" the financial institution.

Sounds like theft but for all those affected; they would be issued IOUs and wait for the bank to be ready to give the customers money back. Those that want to avoid all of that, it's important to stay on top of what's going on, in the financial world.

Another element that will make the economic environment harder in New Jersey; the Governor of the State plans on increasing taxes for businesses. Every time this has been tried, it's been destructive to the economic well being of those under that type of leadership.


A colleague once joked about how New Jersey looks like a smaller, upside down version of California. Though it isn't as bad as how the leadership in that State has puts their citizens; New Jersey isn't too far behind.

History has shown; when taxes are reduced; during hard economic times; it reduces the cost of everything else. Manufacturing, transporting and selling; all of it ends up cheaper. This results in helping the average person by lowering costs, so they can buy things like food, gas and have money left over.


Actions such as the one seen in the video linked above, is behavior that is indicative of a leader who actually cares about those he represents. Since elected officials do not live in an isolated chamber; they would be fully knowledgeable of this cause and effect.

The only reason it is not the chosen path: greed. By taxing everything a bureaucracy seeks to levy; it puts them in a position of directing those resources wherever they see fit; which in some form or fashion; their personal gain.





The last two videos illustrate how the "selling" of the reasons to support this mass in flux of foreign nationals; isn't genuine with the sales pitch. Those involved and support open borders; at least from a political and also those in business; it's money.

This leads to the last issue, that both those in New Jersey face, as well as the rest of the nation: the surge in crime by both foreign and domestic nationals. Both the economic conditions and open borders policy; has created a massive crime wave. According to the national crime statistics; 200% - 500% increase.


The large contributing factor has been the "defund the police" movement; that have emboldened the criminal elements within our country. Things that are more indicative of third world countries, are going all across America.







This is made worse by the foreign nationals that are permitted to come in, despite it being via underhanded means.




What makes matters worse; crimes conducted by foreign nationals, are underreported. Where as they either will not get similar coverage as crimes conducted by American citizens or the fact they are not citizens, aren't mentioned in the report.

This behavior of covering up crimes of foreign nationals, by various bureaucratic and news agencies; Western Europe had done the same thing, as they decided to go with an open doors policy. At the end of the day, they sold out their own people; for the same reasons that are currently going on here in America.






The next video, is one that many people need to be aware of. With all these foreign nationals, in country; there are a lot of them looking for work. They're known as, "cheap labor," "day worker" or "day laborer." As seen in this video featured on this channel; they will often crowd you, with the hopes of work.

Problem there: by hiring them, you're encouraging this behavior of coming into this country illegally. Second, you really don't know their intentions. They could be legitimately looking for work or they could use the false pretence to get close enough to engage in criminal activity, i.e. assault and battery being one of them.


That's why, it's important to take the advice in the next video seriously. Watch it a few times if you have to. This way, you start to get a grasp as to how to protect yourself.


Anyone that does not have any security background or fighting skills; it's very important to put every unnecessary activity aside and try to go over every video in the channel below.


Life isn't going to stop, simply because you don't know how to protect yourself. You encounter a criminal; that person/s, won't be gracious and allow you the opportunity to watch a video to fight this person.

Since you never know if you'll face these types of situations; even if you have to drink coffee and sacrifice a few hours of sleep per day, to get as much information down; do it. Crime isn't going to wait for you to be ready.

For those that are female, as well as males who aren't physically able to take down an attacker; learning martial arts is something that should be actively pursued. The best is Aikido. More often than not, the perpetrator will be male and has gotten into street fights.

People who have such experience, will be used to taking blows. If you haven't, you really won't know how you'll hold out in a real fight. When it comes to actual fights, biology does matter.



The reason as to Aikido being ideal, opposed to boxing or the various Eastern martial arts; they all have different styles and techniques for trading blows and the winner being the one who's still conscious.

Any form of wrestling is out. You don't want to be holding your opponent. If you're able to pin that person, what are you going to do then? Wait for help to arrive, as you're holding the person? Plus, the attacker is going to fight, doing things that aren't allowed in a tournament.


As seen in the video above, Aikido uses attacks against the person. In doing so, the size and strength of the opponent isn't an issue; unlike other fighting styles. This is why it's best for females, children and males that are not qualified for street fights.

It's also important to try to build a community, that's if you're not already connected to people. Trying to do this on your own; that can only go so far. Get to know the neighbors. Help the people you care about by getting them informed as well.


This isn't to suggest going around like an armed mob. People could unite to form an active neighborhood watch; where they are patrolling their own neighborhoods. Those considering such, should consider looking into the group below:


This isn't to suggest joining the organization but it would be smart to learn from them. Take what you like and discard the rest. Another way, to effectively take back your community, that takes less effort, is helping videos go viral.

It might seem silly and frivolous to do but by helping to do so, it brings attention to issues, that might otherwise be underplayed or even covered up. Case and point, the train accident in Palestine, Ohio. The mainstream news media were underplaying the incident but due to TikTok and videos from average people, on that platform; showing the devastation; it forced coverage. There are a few videos; by going viral; would help change the current direction. They're listed below:




Now it's easy to get tempted to support other videos and add more to the list. Here's the thing, having a video go viral is difficult. Dividing efforts doesn't help at all. By putting a spotlight to these three videos, it'll be a good catalyst for change.

To help the video go viral, one has to watch it, put a "like" to it and make a comment, in the comments section. It doesn't have to be complicated. You can use any emoji to accomplish this, such as:♥️, 👍, ✊, etc. After, share it with everyone you know; asking to do the same. The worst thing that can happen is that they'll say "sorry, not interested" or something to that effect.

Also consider helping other Jerseyans by sharing what you're seeing in your part of New Jersey. If you have any tips or suggestions, add them too. To get through these crazy times; every American needs to pull together and help, however they can.

In addition, consider getting a dog. Keep in mind this is for security purposes. As such, get dogs that are large, nothing smaller. Since everyone views things differently, the term large, is via professional dog breeders.

Large dogs would encompass dogs such as Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, German shepherds, Labradors, etc. Dogs provide excellent home security but they are limited in public safety since dogs aren't often permitted in business or the work place.

Other considerations, when selecting a breed; if you have children, how good are they with them? Are you able to take care of and provide for a dog? All these factors are important, before deciding to include a dog into your life.

In closing, here's a few links to check out, that's worth taking a look at:


The undercover citizen journalist, James O'Keefe; resides in New Jersey. As one would expect; most of his materials cover national events but there are a few New Jersey gems.

The next link is the man featured in the video.


This New Jerseyan is a first generation, legal immigrant. Even though part of his life was in Jamaica; he has American values. This channel focuses mostly on travel and there are only 4 videos pertaining to the immigration crisis.

The rest of the links that are provided below, are miscellaneous but interesting material concerning the State.










For all those who are blessed by the material here and would like to return the blessings that you get from this channel; the best way to do so, is by praying. Receiving any prayers lifted up for this channel, is without question; the best gift one can receive. With the administration that champions the Woke movement; I'm not going to give out my name but you can always ask that God would bless "the person who operates the channel, Blue Enigma zero-one." God will know who you're talking about.

Thank you for your consideration!

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Furthermore, this platform or anyone associated with said entity; does NOT necessarily agree with or uphold the views expressed by the operator of this channel. All views and opinions are strictly done so by the operator of this channel.

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