Pisces 2/24/24- March 2024 Theme:Birthday Take it slow! Something about a phone call! 2 things in the past.

1 year ago

This video is for entertainment purposes only! energy can extend out 2 weeks!
If it hapeens it happens!
gifts...ring, bear, yellow flowers, something pink?

depth for commitments (devine union) positive timeline
noncommitments be thankful for the signs
something about a phone call...
weather:rain, change in plans
E.r....major or minor
little bear constellation
healing... before the timeline split! (playful energy is needed) Left behind movie in a different form. Get creative.
Fullmoon 2/24/24 (sunday),little dipper constellation, lunar eclipse march 25 2024, Mars (aggressive energy...sibling relationship), saturn (commitment & work)
new pet...?
Family pet Dog/cat?
childhood dream coming back up...write it down...
Childhood ties...
Yellowhat, tools, 2 past matters stemming up. something you hear or heard.
After this you will be meeting someone apart of your tribe! partner needs you to be their light!
gingerbread scent?
gingerbread man, candy,candy corn
devine pairs, devine union
birthday dinner?
takeout?...be careful be aware of your surrounding at night...chicken?
4am...? home burgulary (past energy) still working through it...
elevator 3rd party

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