10 months ago

During covid lockdowns I had money stolen from me. Due to a health condition I was legally exempt from wearing a face covering. I needed to print out the exemption card and a bunch of other infomation in realtion to the theft and police misuse of authority at the library.

Knowing how I would be treated, I put my phone in my top shirt pocket recoring surreptitiously to capture the unlwaful complance in action to record a pattern of practice.

All laws and stadards were cast aside for a health order that is not and was never law. The public servants became Gestapo style losers, all because the were too scared to say no to their bosses, in turn actuallu ccarrying out the crimes for those that 'trained them to'...

in New Zealand the poice ar Executive gvernment and crown, the city councils have nothing to do with police here.

Tresspass is civil law and the delivery of trespass notics to civilians using police resources when a crime has not beeen comitted, is a crimeneingcarried out by the police.

This is ultimately why the New zealad police are 100% responsible for everything that habbened, simply because they are pathertic pussies.

War trubunals and exeutions are imminent, the bottomefeeders are nto actually to blame, this video provs that.

The "detective" knows exactly what is going on. he pays for this experience.

The New Zealand Bill of Rights act. 1990

Rules on filming in publis spaces in New Zealand

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