The Great Taking: How Deep State Will Ensure You Own Nothing. Behind The Deep State - Alex Newman

1 year ago

The Great Taking: How Deep State Will Ensure You Own Nothing. Behind The Deep State - Alex Newman 1 hour ago
February 26, 2024 1 hour ago
Behind The Deep State - Alex Newman
Watch "The Great Taking" 
The Great Taking. How the Banksters Plan to Steal Everything From Everyone. Documentary 493k views.
(I posted this over 2 months ago. Lol. I was Shocked to see 460,000 views last time I looked.)
The Great Taking Rumble Channel:
A longtime investment banker named David Webb is exposing a global plot dubbed "The Great Taking" to steal stocks and other assets from Americans and people across the world, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. As part of the plan, laws were quietly changed to strip security owners of their property rights and instead give them a "security entitlement." Now, those assets have been used as collateral by financial institutions as part of the massive derivatives complex. And when the system crashes, which Webb suspects will happen this year, you will own nothing, and ordinary investors will be left out to dry as unsecured creditors while the megabanks take priority. Thankfully, there are efforts to stop this in its tracks.
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