1 year ago

Intra-body communication (IBC) is a method that utilizes the human body as a broadcast biological medium for electromagnetic signals to inter-connect wireless body sensors.

Study of the collaboration between electromagnetic waves and human cells has gained importance in recent years leading towards developing and establishing
new novel concept which is the idea of nano-communications using nano-networks to form
“in vivo communication”
that are aimed to offer wireless communication between interior nano-sensors.

Luckily, graphene-based nanotransceivers and nano- antennas are expected to implicitly operate within the terahertz frequency band (0.1–10 THz).

The advantage of operating in terahertz band is that it supports a very high bit rate information transmission, can be as many as terabits per second (Tbps).

With the rise of these points of strength, yet it is considered one of the least explored and investigated frequency range among the full EM spectrum


The human body and millimeter-wave wireless communication systems:
Interactions and implications


Inter-body coupling in electro-quasistatic human body communication: theory and analysis of security and interference properties


Technological Requirements and Challenges in Wireless Body Area Networks for Health Monitoring:

A Comprehensive Survey https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/22/9/3539/pdf?version=1652073868

Wireless body sensor networks based on metamaterial textiles


On-Body and Off-Body Communication in WBAN Several protocols are utilized to handle the dynamic nature of the off-body WBAN network.
According to the open system interconnection model network layer handles the protocols.
The activity combines topography maintenance, addressing the process and organization of WBAN routing.

The network topologies are a star, mesh, one hop, two-hop, multi-hop for both the interbody and intrabody communication which works in Medium Access Control (MAC) layer design.
The MAC-based TDMA is the routing protocol that is used for off-body communication [43].

Upcoming intra-body communication-based research concentrated on accurate mobility and radio link modeling.

The novel idea of this paper is it gives the variation in space as well as values of the IEEE 802.15.6 channel.
It can give better performance when it is connected to the earlier algorithm and protocols.

The mobility is achieved by considering Line of Sight, Non-Line of Sight as well as timevarying radio links.
Link stability is achieved by combining SNR, BER, and PER [



Wıreless Communıcatıons Beyond 5 g: Teraherzwaves, Nano-Communıcatıons and the Internet of Bıo-Nano-Thıngs


Low Profile Implantable Antenna for Fat Intra-Body Communication


analysis of the human body as an antenna for the wireless implant communication


Currently, the radio-frequency (RF) implant wireless communication is enabled by utilizing small antennas that radiate radio waves inside the human body. As an alternative technique for implant wireless communication, we propose to use the human body itself as an antenna by feeding an RF current into the tissues.

In particular,
this paper studies the scenario when the RF current is fed by a tiny toriodal inductor that is implanted and clamped around the tissues in the ankle. The frequency range of 1-70 MHz is considered,

which includes the resonance frequency of the human body.

Theoretical results, from applying small toroidal inductors,
show that the system exhibits broadband characteristics with a maximum gain of -25dB between 20 and 40 MHz, assuming an isotropic radiation from human body. However,

for the case of the small toroidal inductors considered, the radiation resistance of the system is very small, which increases the power consumption.

It is known that the radiation resistance can be further improved by choosing a magnetic core with high permeability and low loss, as well as,

by optimizing the number of turns to reduce the parasitic capacitance and obtain a usable magnetizing inductance.

original made by Lookoutfa Charlie


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