Exodus 20:12 - The 5th Commandment - Honor your Father and Mother

10 months ago

What does it mean to honor your father and mother? What did it mean for the Israelites in Moses' day? What does it mean for us today? It may be an easy command for some, but not everyone is blessed with the best parents. Join us as we dig into Exodus 20.12 and the 5th commandment.

01:14 - Exodus 20.12
01:59 - A dividing point in the 10 commandments, 1-4 relates to our relationship w/ God, 5-6 is our relationship with others. Mat 22.36-40. (Deut 6.5 & Lev 19.18).
04:17 - What does it mean to honor your father and mother?
Bible verses on honoring our parents: Ex 21.15, 17; Lev 19.3, 32; Deut 27.16; Prov 1.8; 16.3; 20.20; 23.22; 30.17
08:36 - What did it mean to Honor your Father and Mother to Israel in Moses day?
Bible verses about blessings from following God's commands: Lev 26.3-13; Deut 28.1-14, Deut 4.40, 5.32-33
13:56 - What does it mean to honor your parents today?
Bible verses about parents in the NT: Eph 6.1-3; Mat 12.46-50 & 10.21-39
15:23 - why was Ephesians written?
18:57 - Honoring your parents can be very hard for some.
19:36 - what is the amplified Bible?

Books used or referenced:

Dave reads from an NIV (New International Version) of the Bible.

Anders, Max, Holman Old Testament Commentary, Exodus. Nashville: B&H Publishing, 2002.

Bigler, David. Pastor's Guide to the Bible, New Testament. Saratoga Springs, NY: Iron Sheep Ministries, 2023.
For copies email info@ironsheep.org

Courson, Jon. Jon Courson’s Application Commentary Old Testament Vol. 1. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2005.

Enns, Peter. The NIV Application Commentary, Exodus. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2000.

Wiersbe, Warren W.. The Bible Exposition Commentary, Old Testament, The Pentateuch. Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 2001. https://www.christianbook.com/the-bible-exposition-commentary-6-volumes/warren-wiersbe/9786125030474/pd/030474?event=ESRCG

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