The Hermit Shala Energy Vlog

1 year ago

The Hermit Shala Energy Vlog title is from the date February 26, 2024 thus we have 36 or #9 The Hermit Card with the calo to retreat gowithin and find your inner wisdom. Shala cam in form Sirius be as my higher selof with a meassage of love and a need to manifest what it is that we want ot se to be what is what we need.
Space Weather News site showed a small class C CME going off at a 90 degree angle which will miss us for sure. The solar wind showed us a density of 8 protons per centimeter, thus strength card telling us to be strong and brave. The wind speed is at 420 Kilometers per second(KPS) thjus the lovers card granting us a harmonious relationship filled with intuition and inspiration. The So9lar wind Temperature is 85,000 Kelvin thus the death card putting us through transformation and transition to rebirth again.

We then went to the transit of the MOON since it is Monday and the SRTDN site was down again. First we had the virgo moon opposite Neptune in its home sign of Pisces The moon then entered the Sign of Libra. The Libra Moon trine Pluto in Aquarius; T squares Mercury in Pisces and the Sun in Pisces.

Shala answered two questions the first was about the 2024 presidential Election She said it is up to us if we visualize pray or affirm an honest election then that is what we will get. In regard to the ET question Shaloa mentioned all the different types of intelligent being that could be operating the UFO/UAP and they will start contacting us as soon as we find peace between ourselves. She pretty much laid it all on us we are the ones we have been waiting upon it is tiem we step up.

I pulled one card form the Wisdom of the Hidden realms Oracle deck. That card is the High Lady of Love and Compassion coming to us with reverence Kindness and consideration.
Space Weather News site:
The planets today astrology site:

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