Glenn Beck with Whitney Webb – Glenn Beck says “this is the MOST IMPORTANT Hour in my 45 years”

1 year ago

Glenn Beck says this is his most important hour in his 45 years.

To skip the intro and an Ad, go to 4:45 mark.

Whitney Webb is only 33 years old and she is mature beyond her years because it takes some maturity to understand how this world operates and she takes it all to brand new level of research.

I put her close to Gary Wayne and Dr. John Coleman as far as desire to seek the truth and willingness to deep. Gary Wayne, though and Gary and John are in a class of their own in my opinion. I will leave a couple links to their videos below.

Topics of Discussion: Jeffery Epstein, Ghislane Maxwell, Spiritual War, Technocracy, AI, The Evil Elon Musk, Brain Implants, Neuralink, The Deep State, The Clinton’s, New Class of Slaves, World Economic Forum Plan, Klaus Schwab, Fascism, Programmable Money, CBDC, Lockhead Martin sent intelligence to China, Smart Cities, Mega Cities, The Everything App, Censorship, Both Democratic and Republican Party are Bad, Good People are not on TV, Good vs Evil, It’s not Left vs Right – It is us vs them, Bitcoin, Removing Mass Identity, Hidden History,

Videos from Dr. John Coleman and Gary Wayne as mentioned above:

***DR. JOHN COLEMAN- THE COMMITTEE OF 300 (1994) - DEATH OF 3 BILLION PEOPLE BY 2050 -- - John Coleman – Depopulation GOALS of the Secret Global Elite

***Gary Wayne – The Nephilim, Fairy & Dragon Royal Bloodlines and the NWO’s End of Times Objective -- -- **This is Really Good -- -- -- ***This will give you an idea of the people who are in charge and pushing the New World Order. You will understand why they call us Goyim, Chattel, Filthy Animals or Useless Eaters. They truly believe they are from the Gods.


Source: Glenn Beck Fans --

More on Whitney Webb:

Whitney Webb - This is how they may cancel the 2024 election – The WEF Plan --



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