People Vs. The ATF, Ep. 6

10 months ago

Discussing the Private Paramilitary Prevention Act, the Assault Weapon Bans introduced in the Minnesota legislature, and talking about a movement against these Anti-2nd Amendment moves.

Minnesota has introduced two different "Assault Weapon" bans for this current legislative session, both of which clearly violating the Heller Decision (which states that firearms in common use cannot be banned) and the Bruen Decision (which states that any gun control measures must be measured against text, history, and tradition). These acts do not represent what the citizens believe, and it's time we made our voices heard. Throughout the month of March, every video posted will feature a firearm that is In Common Use, and I will post every day on my Instagram and X pages featuring In Common Use firearms, and I want you to join me in this fight. Post your own In Common Use firearms with #InCommonUseMN and tag your state representatives and Governor Tim Walz, and show them that we will not stand idly by as they strip away our rights. Together, let's send these bills back to the ICU.

MN Gun Owner's Caucus:

Firearms Policy Coalition:

Gun Owners Of America:

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