MAFIA to MINISTRY: Witness Protection Wiped Away His History, the Jesus Washed Away His Sins

1 year ago

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Robert Borelli sits down with Jeremy Slayden to share his INCREDIBLE story of redemption after a life of crime.

Robert Borelli was once a rising star in the New York Mafia’s biggest crime family. But his gangster lifestyle—and a crippling drug addiction—eventually landed him in prison at age forty-two, abandoned by everyone who he knew could help him. When his three-year-old daughter asked him in tears why he didn’t visit her, despair crashed over him and he cried out: “God, either have me killed or change me—I don’t want to live like this anymore. Please help me!” He began reading the Bible and became a new man in Christ, along with becoming a new person under the Federal Witness Protection Program. Today Robert is blessed by his wife Patricia and is passionate about sharing the truth about God’s transformative power with others.

Robert Borelli was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1954, in the middle of the Gambino Crime Family neighborhood. As a young boy he quickly built a reputation as a little tough guy. Surrounded by real tough guys he began working for The Gambino’s by fourteen. By twenty he had two murder wraps and numerous arrests under his belt. He was being paraded around the neighborhood as the up and coming star of the feared Gambino Family, the same family which John Gotti would eventually bring into the main stream media and make a household name.
Over the next twenty-two years Robert fell hard into the mafioso lifestyle which involved money, crime, and drug addiction.

In 1997, as a forty-four-year-old man, he found himself in jail, looking to serve ten to twenty years. With over 130 criminal charges against his name it was obvious he had become a career criminal. With no help from the Mob, or his friends life seemed hopeless. Little did he know his story had just begun. In jail Mr. Borelli found redemption and a second chance.

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