Grab Hold Of Grace

1 year ago

Join the award winning author, #darlenegaston , for a once a month online meetup to discuss #timetoreallylivefree. For seven months, beginning March 7th, every first Thursday (except July will be the second Thursday) from 6pm-7pm (PST) we will come together and you will:

✨Gain freedom in your walk with Christ.

✨Better understand God’s forgiveness.

✨Be able to forgive yourself.

✨Learn the difference between living in the Old Covenant and thriving in the New Covenant.

✨Learn how important the soul and flesh is to a Christian’s walk.

✨Deepen your understanding of faith vs works.

✨Learn what your core beliefs are?

✨Learn if you can lose your salvation?

✨Understand the difference between the multiple Greek and Hebrew words translated as sin and what that means to your walk with Christ.

Seating is Limited. Save your seat

#greatadventureconvo #bookclub #christianauthor #freedom

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