
1 year ago

2/20/2024 [Taiwan's SET News]: Mao Zedong, once revered by the CCP, has become a sensitive symbol under Xi Jinping's rule. Fearing that people might exploit Mao to voice their discontent with the worsening economy and protest against Xi, the CCP has urgently removed bronze statues of Mao across the country to prevent people from weaponizing Mao against Xi Jinping
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP
2/20/2024 【台湾三立新闻】:中共的神主牌毛泽东变成习近平治下的敏感象征。因恐惧民众利用毛发泄对经济恶化的不满以及由此引发的抗议,中共国各地紧急移除毛泽东铜像,防止毛成为民众反对习近平的工具。
#中共 #消灭中共

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