1 year ago

A city of two million is under threat of seizure by armed rebels, with thousands abandoning their homes for fear of the genocidal violence that may be unleashed, yet the world’s media - barely bats an eyelid.

As Indian scholar and Marxist intellectual Vijay Prashad points out in this video plea, it’s shocking how the people of Goma - and of eastern DRC generally - are simply being left to their fate. Other conflicts like Ukraine and Gaza grab headlines and mobilise political will, but the Congolese conflict - into its third decade - fails to move Western audiences, never mind the 7 million internally displaced, the 6 million killed, the fact that half the population has no access to clean water and more still none to electricity.

The ongoing conflict has been dubbed ‘Africa’s World War.’ It’s seen the pillage of Congo’s precious resources, such as coltan, gold, copper, timber, diamonds and cobalt (which is used in batteries for global tech giants like Apple and Tesla). Could that be why the conflict is so under-reported?

The plight of Congo should not be forgotten. Please share Prashad’s video plea. Africa and the world rise up!

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