Las Vegas Shooting Mystery

1 year ago

Conspiracy theory or real possibility? The Carvers were they at the Route91 or were they at Mandalay Bay. The famous taxi video by Cori Langdon captured this Mercedes Benz entering Mandalay taxi line at 11:15 PM, up the road there’s several bad hombres hanging out just below the tram building lobby where Cori first entered along with a few other taxi’s, one of them bad hombres whistled for the taxi to stop as she was exiting Mandalay, Cori didn’t stop she lived to tell her story. Cori recorded loud automatic gunfire from that location it was way to loud to be coming from the 32 floor, I believe it was coming from the tram lobby windows. Windows appear to be around 20 feet from the ground. There’s no surveillance video footage that I know of released from this location. The street Municipal cam focused on Mandalay taxi line was not released by Metro, why didn’t they? could it be this was the killing zone Yes! this is exactly what I found kill Zone remember that ridiculous story Lombardo told about the last two shots recorded at 10:15 they were high powered rifle shots not a 38 cal hand gun Do you think the last two shots was Paddock committing suicide or was it the Carvers be murdered most likely in their car by those bad hombres Terrorist at Mandalay Bay. The official Carver story of how and where they died is on the Webb, on their way home they were in a single fiery car accident they both were incinerated.

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