Rolf Jørgen Fuglesang - Culture and Race (1941)

11 months ago

Rolf Jørgen Fuglesang - Culture and Race (1941). By LucciNation.

Translated by LucciNation

"Culture depends on blood and race.

The culture develops and flourishes as long as it is carried by people, or at least by a leadership layer, which preserves its culture-creating racial values and characteristics from destruction through population death or racial mixing.

If the people who are the creators and bearers of the culture perish, the culture itself will perish sooner or later, but the created cultural values will inevitably perish. Only gigantic remains and ruins will remain as silent and often incomprehensible testimony that here once lived and flourished a brilliant culture carried by a highly developed and culture-creating race.

History itself shows us a multitude of examples of this.

The results from historical research, archaeology, race research and language research during the last 50 years also show something else.

It shows us that the race which more than any other has been the creator and bearer of culture in the most important regions of the earth, the race which more than any other has and is in possession of culture-creating and state-forming qualities and dispositions, is the race that we belong to: the Germanic race, or in a broader sense, the great Nordic race.

This breed is truly unparalleled in history in terms of culture-creating qualities. It is definitely a driving breed, a ruling breed.

Whether we turn to the Indian culture or the Persian, or we think of the brilliant cultures of Asia Minor and the Orient or the Hellenic and the Roman culture, above all we can state that these cultures have been created by and carried by conquerors of Nordic descent. People of our own tribe, from the race's original home in the north, have penetrated into remote, impoverished areas and established powerful conquering kingdoms and states there. At the meeting with the rich natural values of the southern climates, a tremendous culture-creating expansion has unfolded.

The same applies to an even greater degree to the worldwide culture to which we belong today, the Nordic Western European culture."

Rolf Jørgen Fuglesang, August 27, 1941.

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