My Favorite Grounding and Protection Technique

1 year ago

In this video, I share one of my favorite techniques for grounding, cleansing, and protection that is perfect for both general use as well as before doing any healing or psychic/mediumship work. I like it because it's quick, easy, and POWERFUL!

Here is the decree for protection:
I AM an all-powerful being of Divine White Light!! I AM a sovereign being! No one and nothing has power over me, save that which I allow! I AM infused with the Highest levels of Holy protective Divine White Light throughout all levels of my existence! In the name of my Divine Aspects, Jesus Christ/Yeshua, Archangel Michael and his legion of angels, Lord Melchizedek, and Father-Mother God, I command that only those energies and entities who are of the highest love and the highest light, are in Service to Others, and have my best interest at heart are allowed to interact with me and pass through my Armor of God. As Thy will, so mote it be!

As a Holistic Healer, I remotely offer the unique and synergistic variety of modalities of Intuitive Life Coaching, Health Coaching, and my exclusive modality of Channeled Alchemical Energy Healing (I channel a Seraph Angel and the Ascended Master, Quan Yin), thus providing the opportunity for healing and transformation on all levels for a HOLISTIC healing experience that can bring about the lasting change you’ve been searching for.

If you are interested in living a more healthful lifestyle, or ending some of your karmic cycles and repeating patterns by transforming your subconscious mind to work in your favor to achieve your goals and live a happier life, visit my website for more information:

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